👤 Owen Cook
👤 Hayden Bischoff
This project is a prototype smart doorbell system made with an Arduino Uno R3 and various sensors from the ELEGOO Most Complete Starter Kit. This project is being made for a final project for one of my classes here at UVM.
- Setup circuit as shown in schematic
- Download BLE Serial tiny
- When the circuit is connected, run the code in get_rfid_id and copy and paste the tag ID into the acceptedTag variable on line 109 in arduino_doorbell
Optional: Run the code in rename_bluetooth, following the comments to rename your HM-10 Bluetooth Device
Part | Pins Used |
Ultrasonic Sensor | 0, 1 |
Relay Module | 2 |
HM-10 Bluetooth | 3, 4 |
Passive Buzzer | 5 |
8x8 LED Matrix | 6, 7, SCL |
Push Button | 8 |
RFID Module | 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 |
Water Sensor | A0 |
Potentiometer | A1 |
9G Mini Servo | SDA |
Arduino Uno R3 | N/A |
Power Module | N/A |
- OneWire by Jim Studt, Tom Pollard, and Robin James
- LedControl by Eberhard Fahle
- MRC522 by GitHub Community
- SoftwareSerial by Arduino
- Servo by Arduino
- EEPROM by Arduino
Requirement | Fulfillment |
What problem do you plan to solve? What is your story? | Transform modern doorbell design to be more useful and convenient |
Requirement | Fulfillment |
At least one digital sensor that we used in lab | Push Button |
One digital sensor that we have not used yet in lab | RFID Sensor |
At least one Analog input | Potentiometer |
At least one signal-conditioned Analog input | Water Sensor with BJT |
One remote input | HM-10 Bluetooth |
Requirement | Fulfillment |
At least one axis of motion with speed control | Mini Servo |
Relay or Solenoid actuation | Relay |
At least one illumination output with brightness control | 8x8 LED Matrix |
Another illumination output, or a sound output with pitch control | Passive Buzzer |
One remote output | Hm-10 Bluetooth |
Requirement | Fulfillment |
Use a new library | MRC522 RFID Library |
Use non-volatile storage | EEPROM |
- Goodheart, M. "Lab 11."[Source Code] Section A01, Digital Control w/ Embedded Systems, University of Vermont, Burlington VT, May 7, 2024.
- Balboa, Miguel. “Miguelbalboa/RFID: Arduino Rfid Library for MFRC522.” GitHub, 7 Dec. 2023, github.com/miguelbalboa/rfid?tab=readme-ov-file.