Wav-cutter is a simple python script to cut *.wav
When you want cut footage, but only from start to duration, you can use this.
Usage: wav-cutter <file path> <duration in seconds>
You can push output to other file with option --footage_dest
When you asterisk confbridge footage is too long, then you can cut like:
wav-cutter confbridge-15541-1254788256.wav 2000
Now, in working directory exist file confbridge-15541-1254788256.wav.new, duration is 2000 secends.
When you want another file name, the use --footage_dest option, like:
wav-cutter confbridge-15541-1254788256.wav 2000 --footage_dest new.wav
With cURL
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oxess/wav-cutter/master/wav-cutter.py > /usr/local/bin/wav-cutter
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/wav-cutter
or Wget
wget -O /usr/local/bin/wav-cutter https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oxess/wav-cutter/master/wav-cutter.py
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/wav-cutter