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Implement i18n using functors
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joseferben committed Nov 18, 2021
1 parent a9c21a3 commit f052191
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Showing 7 changed files with 715 additions and 630 deletions.
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions .github/workflows/ci.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,8 +36,5 @@ jobs:
- name: Check formatting
run: make format

- name: Build docs
run: make doc

- name: Run tests
run: make test
8 changes: 3 additions & 5 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,10 +2,12 @@
deps: ## Install development dependencies
opam install -y dune-release merlin ocamlformat utop
OPAMSOLVERTIMEOUT=240 opam install --deps-only --with-test --with-doc -y .
eval $(opam env)

.PHONY: create_switch
opam switch create . --no-install
opam switch create . --no-install --locked
eval $(opam env)

.PHONY: switch
switch: create_switch deps ## Create an opam switch and install development dependencies
Expand All @@ -25,7 +27,3 @@ clean: ## Clean build artifacts and other generated files
.PHONY: test
opam exec -- dune test

.PHONY: doc
doc: ## Generate odoc documentation
opam exec -- dune build --root . @doc
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion conformist.opam
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ depends: [
"sexplib" {>= "v0.13.0" & with-test}
build: [
["dune" "subst"] {dev}
["dune" "subst"] {pinned}
Expand Down
341 changes: 14 additions & 327 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,330 +1,17 @@
type 'a decoder = string list -> ('a, string) result
type 'a encoder = 'a -> string list
type 'a validator = 'a -> string option

let always_valid _ = None

module Field = struct
type ('meta, 'a) t =
{ name : string
; meta : 'meta option
; default : 'a option
; decoder : 'a decoder
; encoder : 'a encoder
; type_ : string
; validator : 'a validator
; optional : bool

type (_, _, _) list =
| [] : ('meta, 'ty, 'ty) list
| ( :: ) :
('meta, 'a) t * ('meta, 'b, 'ty) list
-> ('meta, 'a -> 'b, 'ty) list

type _ any_field = AnyField : ('meta, 'a) t -> 'meta any_field

let meta (AnyField field) = field.meta
let name (AnyField field) =

let validate (AnyField field) input =
match field.decoder input with
| Ok value -> field.validator value
| Error msg -> Some msg

let optional (AnyField field) = field.optional
let is_optional (AnyField field) = field.optional
let type_ (AnyField field) = field.type_

let encode_default (AnyField field) : string List.t =
match field.default with
| Some v -> field.encoder v
| None -> []

let make name meta decoder encoder default type_ validator optional =
{ name; meta; default; decoder; encoder; type_; validator; optional }

let make_custom
?(validator = always_valid)
let type_ = Option.value type_ ~default:name in
make name meta decoder encoder default type_ validator false

let make_optional ?meta field =
let decoder string =
match field.decoder string with
| Ok result -> Ok (Some result)
| Error msg -> Error msg
let validator a =
match a with
| Some a -> field.validator a
| None -> None
let encoder a =
match a with
| Some a -> field.encoder a
| None -> [ "None" ]
(Some field.default)

let make_list ?default ?meta field =
let decoder (l : string List.t) : ('a List.t, string) result =
(fun res (el : string) ->
match res, field.decoder [ el ] with
| Ok result, Ok el -> Ok (List.cons el result)
| Ok _, Error msg -> Error msg
| Error msg, _ -> Error msg)
(Ok [])
|> List.rev
let validator l =
(fun res el ->
match res, field.validator el with
| None, None -> None
| None, Some msg -> Some msg
| Some msg, _ -> Some msg)
let encoder (a : 'a List.t) = field.encoder a |> List.concat in
make meta decoder encoder default field.type_ validator true

let make_bool ?default ?meta ?(msg = "Invalid value provided") name =
let decoder input =
try Ok (bool_of_string (List.hd input)) with
| _ -> Error msg
let encoder input = List.[ string_of_bool input ] in
make name meta decoder encoder default "bool" always_valid false

let make_float
?(msg = "Invalid number provided")
?(validator = always_valid)
let decoder string =
try Ok (float_of_string (List.hd string)) with
| _ -> Error msg
let encoder input = List.[ string_of_float input ] in
make name meta decoder encoder default "float" validator false

let make_int
?(msg = "Invalid number provided")
?(validator = always_valid)
let decoder string =
try Ok (int_of_string (List.hd string)) with
| _ -> Error msg
let encoder input = List.[ string_of_int input ] in
make name meta decoder encoder default "int" validator false

let make_string ?default ?meta ?(validator = always_valid) name =
let decoder input =
try Ok (List.hd input) with
| _ -> Error "Invalid input provided"
let encoder id = List.[ id ] in
make name meta decoder encoder default "string" validator false

let make_date
?(msg = "Invalid date provided")
?(validator = always_valid)
let decoder input =
match String.split_on_char '-' (List.hd input) with
| [ y; m; d ] ->
int_of_string_opt y, int_of_string_opt m, int_of_string_opt d
| Some y, Some m, Some d -> Ok (y, m, d)
| _ -> Error msg)
| _ -> Error msg
| _ -> Error msg
let encoder (y, m, d) = List.[ Format.sprintf "%d-%d-%d" y m d ] in
make name meta decoder encoder default "date" validator false

let make_datetime
?(msg = "Invalid datetime provided")
?(validator = always_valid)
let decoder string =
match Ptime.of_rfc3339 (List.hd string) with
| Ok (timestamp, _, _) -> Ok timestamp
| Error (`RFC3339 (_, _)) -> Error msg
| _ -> Error msg
let encoder ptime = List.[ Ptime.to_rfc3339 ptime ] in
make name meta decoder encoder default "time" validator false
module String_error : Core.ERROR with type error = string = struct
type error = string

let invalid_bool = "Invalid value provided"
let invalid_float = "Invalid number provided"
let invalid_int = "Invalid number provided"
let invalid_string = "Invalid value provided"
let invalid_date = "Invalid date provided"
let invalid_datetime = "Invalid datetime provided"
let no_value = "No value provided"
let of_string s = s

let custom = Field.make_custom
let optional = Field.make_optional
let list = Field.make_list
let bool = Field.make_bool
let float = Field.make_float
let int = Field.make_int
let string = Field.make_string
let date = Field.make_date
let datetime = Field.make_datetime

type ('meta, 'ctor, 'ty) t =
{ fields : ('meta, 'ctor, 'ty) Field.list
; ctor : 'ctor

let empty = { fields = Field.[]; ctor = () }
let make fields ctor = { fields; ctor }

let rec fold_left'
: type ty args.
f:('res -> 'meta Field.any_field -> 'res)
-> init:'res
-> ('meta, args, ty) Field.list
-> 'res
fun ~f ~init fields ->
match fields with
| [] -> init
| field :: fields -> fold_left' ~f ~init:(f init (AnyField field)) fields

let fold_left ~f ~init schema = fold_left' ~f ~init schema.fields

type error = string * string list * string
type input = (string * string list) list

let validate
(schema : ('meta, 'ctor, 'ty) t)
(input : (string * string list) list)
: error list
let f errors field =
let name = field in
match List.assoc name input with
| values ->
(match Field.validate field values with
| Some msg -> List.cons (name, values, msg) errors
| None -> errors)
| exception Not_found ->
(match Field.is_optional field, Field.encode_default field with
| true, List.[] -> errors
| false, List.[] -> List.cons (name, [], "No value provided") errors
| _, default ->
(match Field.validate field default with
| Some msg -> List.cons (name, [], msg) errors
| None -> errors))
fold_left ~f ~init:[] schema |> List.rev

let rec decode
: type meta ctor ty.
(meta, ctor, ty) t -> (string * string list) list -> (ty, error) Result.t
fun { fields; ctor } fields_assoc ->
let open! Field in
match fields with
| [] -> Ok ctor
| field :: fields ->
(match List.assoc fields_assoc with
| [] ->
(match field.default with
| Some value ->
(match ctor value with
| ctor -> decode { fields; ctor } fields_assoc
| exception exn ->
let msg = Printexc.to_string exn in
Error (, [], msg))
| None ->
(match field.decoder [] with
| Ok value ->
(match ctor value with
| ctor -> decode { fields; ctor } fields_assoc
| exception exn ->
let msg = Printexc.to_string exn in
Error (, [], msg))
| Error msg -> Error (, [], msg)))
| values ->
(match field.decoder values with
| Ok value ->
(match ctor value with
| ctor -> decode { fields; ctor } fields_assoc
| exception exn ->
let msg = Printexc.to_string exn in
Error (, values, msg))
| Error msg -> Error (, values, msg))
| exception Not_found ->
(match field.default with
| Some value ->
(match ctor value with
| ctor -> decode { fields; ctor } fields_assoc
| exception exn ->
let msg = Printexc.to_string exn in
let values =
match field.default with
| Some default -> field.encoder default
| None -> []
Error (, values, msg))
| None -> Error (, [], "No value provided")))
module Make = Core.Make
include Core.Make (String_error)

let decode_and_validate schema input =
let validation_errors = validate schema input in
match decode schema input, validation_errors with
| Ok value, [] -> Ok value
| Ok _, validation_errors -> Error validation_errors
| Error (field_name, value, msg), validation_errors ->
|> List.filter (fun (name, _, _) -> not (String.equal name field_name))
|> List.cons (field_name, value, msg)
|> Result.error
type error_msg = string

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