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Docker Distribution Pruner (alpha)

Go to Docker Distribution:

Highly efficient Garbage Collector to clean all old revisions from Docker Distribution based registry (also GitLab Container Registry).

It uses optimised file accesses and API calls to create walk DAG.


1. Use precompiled binary (for amd64)

You can download latest stable version of the application by downloading binary artifact for latest tag version.

You can also download latest development version of the application by downloading binary artifact from master branch.

2. Compile from Source

This compiles latest development version of the application. Consider using stable version.

$ go get -u


This tool watches Docker Distribution storage and tries to recycle unreferenced version of tags, unreferenced manifests, unreferenced layers and thus blobs, effectively recycling used container registry storage.

There are two modes of operation:

  1. Regular: implements minimal set of features that are considered stable,
  2. Experimental: implements an extended set of features that are considered obsolete, subject to break, and be removed.

Regular (non-experimental)

Not yet implemented.

Experimental mode

It is only for testing purposes now. Do not yet use that for production data.

Currently all features are considered experimental. They are intentionally disabled, not well tested, but can be still run as long as you run application EXPERIMENTAL=true.


Dry run:

$ EXPERIMENTAL=true docker-distribution-pruner -config=/path/to/registry/configuration

Reclaim disk space:

$ EXPERIMENTAL=true docker-distribution-pruner -config=/path/to/registry/configuration -delete

GitLab Omnibus


$ EXPERIMENTAL=true docker-distribution-pruner -config=/var/opt/gitlab/registry/config.yml

S3 effectiveness

We do not download individual objects, instead do global wide list API call, returning 1000 objects at single time. We use ETag and name of files to ensure consistency of repository instead of reading files where it is possible to save API calls, network bandwidth and improve speed.

Sometimes we have to download objects (links, manifests), and usually it is wasteful to do it every time. Instead, when S3 is used the downloaded data are stored by default in tmp-cache/. To ensure the data consistency we verify ETag (md5 of the object content). For large repositories it allows to save hundreds of thousands requests and also with fast SSD drive it makes it crazy fast.

Large registries

This tool can effectively run on registries that consists of million objects and terrabytes of data in reasonable time. To ensure smooth run ensure to have at least 4GB for 5 million objects stored in registry.

To speed-up processing of large repositories enable parallel blobs and repository processing:

$ EXPERIMENTAL=true docker-distribution-pruner -config=/path/to/registry/configuration -parallel-repository-walk -parallel-blob-walk

You can also tune performance settings (less or more):

-jobs=100 -parallel-walk-jobs=100


After success run application generates number of data, lke a list of repositories with detailed usage.


By default it runs in dry run mode (no changes). When run with -delete it will soft delete all data by moving them to docker-backup folder. In case of any problems you can move data back and restore previous state of registry.

If you run -delete -soft-delete=false you will remove data forever.


Application was manually tested, also was run in dry run mode against large repositories to verify consistency. As of today we are still afraid of executing that on production data. There's no warranty that it will not break repository.


It is highly not advised to change these options as it can leave left-overs in repository.

-delete-old-tag-versions=true - delete old versions for each found tag of the repository repository

Command line

Usage of docker-distribution-pruner:
  -config string
    	Path to registry config file
    	Print debug messages
    	Delete data, instead of dry run
    	Delete old tag versions (default true)
    	Ignore blobs processing and recycling
  -jobs int
    	Number of concurrent jobs to execute (default 10)
    	Allow to use parallel blob walker (default true)
    	Allow to use parallel repository walker (default true)
  -parallel-walk-jobs int
    	Number of concurrent parallel walk jobs to execute (default 10)
  -repository-csv-output string
    	File to which CSV will be written with all metrics (default "repositories.csv")
  -s3-storage-cache string
    	s3 cache (default "tmp-cache")
    	When deleting, do not remove, but move to backup/ folder (default true)
    	Print errors, but do not fail
    	Print verbose messages (default true)


Contributions are welcome, see for more details.

Release process

The description of release process of Docker Distribution Pruner project can be found in the documentation.


GitLab, MIT, 2017


Kamil Trzciński