For the application to work, the file calisanlardb.sql located in the root directory must be included in phpMyAdmin.
Enter phpMyAdmin and create a new database. Let's name the database we have created as calisanlarprojesidb.
Then, let's import the calisanlarprojesidb.sql file in our project file into the database we have created.
As the last step, let's open the /src/ file in edit mode and fill in the necessary information for the database according to you.
public class Database {
public static final String kullanici_adi = "root"; // PhpMyAdmin username
public static final String parola = "sinan123"; // PhpMyAdmin password
public static final String db_ismi = "calisanlarprojesidb"; // Database Name
public static final String host = "localhost"; // Server Name
public static final int port = 3306; // Server Port
Authentication Informations:
Username: admin
Password: admin
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