Client: Vite, React, HTML, CSS
- Basic router setup
- Route
- Link
- Route parameters
- Nested routes and Outlet
- Layout and Index routes
- Relative paths
- NavLink
- Outlet context
- Search parameters
- Link state
- 404 page / Splat routes
- Loaders
- Actions
- Form & form data
- defer()
- Await
- Suspense
- Error handling & errorElement
- useRouteError
- useNavigate
- useNavigation
- useLocation
- useLoaderData
- useActionData
- Protected Routes
- Deploying with Netlify
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd ..vanlife-react-app
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the app
npm run dev
I'm frontend developer in Istanbul/Turkey.
👩💻 I'm currently working on React.js
Vanilla JS, React.js, Angular.js, ES6+