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Fork the code for this repository. Make your changes and submit a pull request. The Ozone team will review your pull request and evaluate if it should be part of the project. For more information on the patch process please review the Patch Process at


Next Gen OZONE Webtop UI


Install Node.js and npm. Head over to the Node.js website if you need to do that. Next, install Grunt and Bower with the command below.

(sudo) npm install -g bower grunt-cli

Getting Started

First clone the repo. Then install development dependencies with npm. Install frontend app dependencies with Bower:

cd ozp-webtop
npm install && bower install

Getting Webtop to run Locally

It cannot be run with Sudo (locally)

  1. Have installed: nvm 5.3.0 npm 3.3.12 gulp 3.9.0 node 5.3.0
  2. bower
    • If you run which bower and it returns something move on to step 3.
    • Otherwise: go into .npmrc and change it to prefix = ${HOME}/npm-global
      • installing bower with npm install -g bower it should go to your home directory (if it works, delete it).
      • Set your path variable to ${HOME}/npm-global/bin
    • now isntall with (sudo) npm install -g bower grunt-cli in npm 5.3.0 (use nvm use 5.3.0)
    • Also may need to run sudo chown -R $USER:$GROUP ~/.npm and sudo chown -R $USER:$GROUP ~/.config if not owned by current user. may need to do for the /tmp/user folder as well
  3. Run npm install && bower install
  4. go into /ozp-webtop/src/OzoneConfig.js and change the API_URL to http://localhost:8001
  5. Run grunt serve
    • If there is an enospc error, you may need to run echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p

Grunt Tasks

Development tasks are run with Grunt:

  • grunt - run all tests, build, and create production version
  • grunt serve
    • Launch Webtop locally (see Important Links section below)
  • grunt build - build and execute unit tests
  • grunt release:type and git push --tags to create a patch, minor, or major release (updates changelog, versions, and creates tag)
  • grunt run - serve the production version of the application

Run grunt -h for a full list of Grunt tasks

Important Links

Use of IWC

By default, IWC is used to to retrieve the application information (system.api) and to store the dashboard data (data.api). To check on the status of IWC, marketplace, and the backend, as well as to reset the data, use the OZP Data Utility

Use of ng-boilerplate

This app was created from the ng-boilerplate template. See ngbp for details describing the directory layout, gruntfile, and testing structure

Responsive Design

Currently, Webtop is semi-responsive, supporting devices >= 768px ('small' devices, as defined by Bootstrap)


See the wiki for a list of guidelines for submitting pull requests


Software (c) 2014 Department of Defense

The United States Government has unlimited rights in this software.

The OZONE Platform Webtop is released to the public as Open Source Software, because it's the Right Thing To Do. Also, it was required by Section 924 of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act

Released under the Apache License, Version 2.


OZONE Platform Web Desktop







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  • JavaScript 79.6%
  • HTML 14.4%
  • CSS 5.0%
  • Other 1.0%