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React components shared between p2pu/p2pu-website and p2pu/learning-circles.

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P2PU Components

These are the React components that are currently being shared between p2pu/p2pu-website and p2pu/learning-circles.

The main uses are:

  • Search interface for learning circles and courses
  • Input fields for forms

Search Interface

The search interface currently appears on the learning circles page on P2PU, the courses page on P2PU and the learning circle creation form.

GIF of search component

Component structure

The main components are:

  • Search: the parent component that holds most of the state such as the search parameters and results, as well as the functions for querying the back end.
  • SearchAndFilter: houses the SearchBar and FiltersSection components
  • SearchTags: displays the search summary below the form, which users can also interact with to edit their search.
  • Browse: shows the search results in an "infinite scroll", and in the case of Learning Circles, split between tabs.
  • LearningCircleCard and CourseCard: displays a search result item


The Search component requires the CSS build from p2pu-components


import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Search, BrowseCourses } from 'p2pu-components';

import 'p2pu-components/dist/build.css';

const handleSelectResult = course => {
  // do something
const elem = document.getElementById('search-courses-component');
const origin = elem.dataset.apiOrigin;

  />, document.getElementById('search-courses-component')

Input Fields

The input fields are used to standardize the appearance and behaviour of our React forms. The main use case is the form for creating a learning circle. The input fields come with a label, input, help text, and error message (for validation).

screenshot of text input


Here's a full list of the available input fields:

Component Description
CheckboxWithLabel Checkbox with an inline label. The label can be to the right or left of the checkbox.
CitySelect A dropdown select for all the cities where learning circles are offered
DatePickerWithLabel Date picker using native date input field with validation for the date format
ImageUploader A file input styled to look like a P2PU button. Shows an image preview when an image is uploaded.
InputWithLabel A basic input field. You can pass through the type prop to change the native input type.
LanguageSelect A dropdown select for languages that allows multiple selections
MobileInput A phone number input using react-telephone-input.
PlaceSelect A dropdown select using Algolia to search and retrieve place data.
RangeSliderWithLabel A range slider using react-rangeslider
RichTextWithLabel A rich text editor using @tinymce/tinymce-react
SelectWithLabel Generic dropdown select using react-select
SwitchWithLabel A switch component for boolean inputs that allows you to put labels for the "on" and "off" positions
TextAreaWithLabel Text area input for plain text
TimePickerWithLabel A time picker based on react-select. Has preset options at 30 minute intervals and allows text input for custom times.
TimeZoneSelect Time zone selector based on react-select that pulls data from Geonames
UrlInputWithLabel URL input that is basically a text input with additional validation
InputWrapper The component that wraps all the other inputs and provides the label, help text, and error message

Common Props

Most of the components listed here have a common API, but check the PropTypes for additional props.

Prop Type Description
name (required) string This is used as the name and id attributes on the input component itself, and the htmlFor attribute on the label. It's also used in the return value of the change handler function, which should return the input value as { [name]: value }.
label (required) string The content of the label. This can be text or JSX.
handleChange (required) function The change handler for the input. It will be called with the input name and value as { [name]: value }
value varies The value of the input
required boolean Whether the field is required
disabled boolean Whether the field is disabled
errorMessage string Error message to show below input field
helpText string Help text to show above input field
classes string Classes that will be applied to the wrapper element that contains the label and input

Check the individual components for additional props. All other props will be passed down to the input component.

API Helper

In src/utils there is an ApiHelper class that abstracts some of the logic for making API calls to the learning circles server. It is mainly used for sending search queries in the Search component. It goes hand in hand with the src/utils/constants.js file where we define the allowed API endpoints and search parameters.

The ApiHelper requires a resource type argument in construction, which must be one of the keys in the API_ENDPOINTS variable, and optionally the origin URL for the endpoint.

The ApiHelper functions are:

  • generateUrl: used internally to generate the full endpoint URL
  • fetchResource: 'GET' using jsonp
  • createResource: 'POST' using Axios
  • updateResorce: 'POST' using Axios

All of the above methods take an options argument which is an object that includes include the params and callback function. If the API request is successful, the callback function gets called with the response as well as options object.


import ApiHelper from '../utils/apiHelper'

const apiHelper = new ApiHelper('courses', '')
const params = { q: 'test', limit: 20, offset: 0 };
const callback = (response) => console.log(response)
const opts = { appendResults: true }
const options = { params, callback, ...opts };


Local Development

Getting Started

Clone or fork the repo: git clone

Install dependencies cd p2pu-components && npm install

Run the demo npm run start

Open the demo on http://localhost:3001 to see the courses search componenet See http://localhost:3001/lc.html for the learning circles search component See http://localhost:3001/input-fields.html for the input fields

To build the demo

npm run build:demo

To build the main package

npm i
npm run build:main

To publish a new version

Make sure you've already built the main package and committed your changes

npm adduser (only your first time)

npm version patch (or specify a version number)

npm run deploy

You'll need the right credentials to publish to p2pu-components.


  • split up CSS and package it with each component separately so that individual components can be imported and used without having to include the full CSS build
  • allow for easier style customization
  • standardize component names of input fields
  • reduce build size
  • date picker with calendar interface (see Meeting Scheduler in learning-circles)
  • better time picker (it was stripped down to reduce build size but it's not great UI)
  • right now the Search component holds all the logic for the courses search and learning circle search, but as they start to diverge more (ie. including past learning circles) it's starting to get messy. Consider splitting into separate components.
  • we could be using the ApiHelper in CitySelect instead of hard-coding the endpoint


React components shared between p2pu/p2pu-website and p2pu/learning-circles.






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