A small script to manage localization strings for World of Warcraft AddOns when using CurseForge's localization feature.
It will (recursively) scan Lua files for text matching the AceLocale format (e.g. L["An example"]
), then upload them to CurseForge. In essence it'll keep the strings used in the project code in-sync with CurseForge. It's a perfect companion to localization substitution in packagers.
Using AceLocale in your project is not required, the structure it defines has become the default that many libraries/addons use, and AceLocale is the most common way to use it.
The script uses the CurseForge Upload API, which requires authentication (see below).
usage: update.py [-k KEY] [-i ID] [-l OPT] [-m OPT] [-n OPT] [-e OPT] [-p OPT] [-d] [-h]
required arguments::
-k, --key KEY API key or path to file that contains the key for CurseForge,
can also be defined as CF_API_KEY environment variable
-i, --id ID project ID on CurseForge
optional arguments::
-l, --lang OPT base language of strings (default = enUS)
-m, --missing OPT how to handle missing phrases (default = DoNothing)
-n, --namespace OPT namespace to upload to
-e, --exclude OPT pattern of files and/or directories to ignore
-p, --pattern OPT regex pattern used to find strings
-d, --dry dry-run, print strings instead of uploading
-h, --help show this help message
For the tool to work correctly (i.e. upload strings) it needs at minimum two pieces of information:
- it needs the API key to talk to the CurseForge API
- you can generate one here: https://authors-old.curseforge.com/account/api-tokens
- the script can read this from a file, an environment variable, or as a plain string argument
- it needs the project ID on CurseForge
- see the right column of your project's webpage on CurseForge
- if this is not provided as an argument the script will attempt to find it from the
field in nearby TOC files, as it's commonly used/defined that was by other tools
And you obviously need to enable the Localization feature on CurseForge for your project;
The additional options should be pretty straight-forward, although some are quite advanced.
Please refer to the CurseForge support article for some of them.
If you have any questions on how to use the script, feel free to open a discussion.
The script can be used as an action in a GitHub workflow;
name: Upload localization strings to CurseForge
- master
- '**'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Clone project
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Upload localizations
uses: p3lim/curseforge-localizations@v1
handle_missing: DeletePhrase # optional
exclude: | # optional
CF_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.CF_API_KEY }}