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Releases: pH-7/Obfuscator-Class


31 Jan 05:23
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  • Fixed a bug which was causing a PHP fatal error when several obfuscated files were included at once.

v2.0 (removing deprecated `create_function()` 🎉

29 Jan 08:27
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  • Replaced create_function() to a new anonymous function handler.
  • The library is now distributed under MIT permissive license! (the most permissive license).
  • Updated examples.
  • Fixed typos on README file.
  • Improve the codebase, simplified some things in there.
  • The library now requires PHP 5.3 or higher (because it uses anonymous functions). If you use an older version, please continue to use the v1 of the library.
  • The library is now fully compatible with the latest PHP versions.

v1, Initial Release 🎉

10 Apr 10:14
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Fix indentation