- This application is a tech blog that allows the user to make posts, view posts, edit their existing posts, delete their posts and comment on other users posts
- this project uses dotenv and a config folder with a connection js file
- used sequilize and mySQL2 to create a database using javascript
- used handlebars with express session, and express handlebars to dynamically generate html from a views folder
- added the functionality for a user to login and out and save cookies
- all passwords are hashed using bcrypt
- used seeds to seed user data to be able to test the application before production
- used node.js
- used express to allow the user to do CRUD methods on the website
- used async await
they must run rpm init -y and npm i to install dependiences used when creating this project
you must install node, sequilize, mysql2, express-session, express-handlebars, dotenv, connect-session-sequelize, and bcrypt using init -y and npm i to download all dependincies
You must run npm i to download the correct packages.
You must run mysql -u root then source the schema and use the db You must npm run seed to seed the database You must npm run start to the open the application view localhost{port}
Feel Free to contact me at pey3moo3@gmail.com or ptoum21.