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Marklogic Plugin for Maven

The MarkLogic Plugin is used to install and configure MarkLogic Server applications

The MarkLogic Plugin has the following goals:

  • marklogic:bootstrap is used create the necessary bootstrap configuration that the MarkLogic Plugin requires for executing its goals.
  • marklogic:bootstrap-uninstall is used to remove the bootstrap configuration created by the marklogic:bootstrap goal.
  • marklogic:install is used to install and configure the database(s), application server(s), etc. in the specified configuration.
  • marklogic:uninstall is used to remove all database(s), application server(s), etc. created by the marklogic:install goal.
  • marklogic:record-load is used to load data into a MarkLogic database using the RecordLoader utility.


The basic configuration required is as follows.


Bootstrap XCC (XDBC) Server

The bootstrap server provides the entrypoint for installing and configuring a Marklogic application, and provides the following configurable properties


The port assigned to the bootstrap XCC server.



The identifier name assigned to the bootstrap XCC server.



The name of the modules database to be created for the bootstrap server.

When installing the bootstrap a modules database will be created and the install libraries will be uploaded to this database.


It is possible to set the modules to be located on the filesystem by using the value 'file-system', in which case the module root is the location on disk that the modules should exist.

Note: If using file-system the XQuery libraries will need to be installed manually.


The location within the modules database that the bootstrap files should be located.


Or if using file-system modules location then this is the location within the filesystem.


The name of the database that the bootstrap XCC server should connect to as default.


Install Configuration

There are two ways of configuring the installation of the Marklogic application, inline (preferred) and external.


The current environment to install.



This specifies the usage of an external configuration file instead of using the configuration specified in the active environment block.


Note: Whilst this is used instead of the configuration in the environment, if the resources and pipeline-resources elements are specified for the current environment then these will still be deployed as configured.

environments (preferred inline configuration method)

Environments specified within the configuration block are used to generate a configuration XML containing the install instructions for the current environment.

Individual environments are specified within the environments block.


An environment contains using the following parameters

name (required)

The unique name for the environment.


applicationName (required)

The name for the application, this should be of the form [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9-]* and is used as a common prefix for the server and databases.


title (required)

The title for the application.

<title>Test (Development)</title>


The filesystem-root for the application.



A set of database nodes to be constructed

    <database name="Modules">
        <forest name="Modules">

    <database name="Content">
        <forest name="Content">

        <triggers-database name="Triggers"/>
        <schema-database name="Schemas" />

        <set name="uri-lexicon"  value="true"/>
        <set name="collection-lexicon"  value="true"/>
        <set name="directory-creation"  value="manual"/>
        <set name="stemmed-searches" value="off"/>
        <set name="word-searches"  value="true"/>
        <set name="word-positions" value="true"/>
        <set name="in-memory-list-size" value="256"/>
        <set name="in-memory-tree-size" value="16"/>
        <set name="element-value-positions" value="true"/>
        <set name="element-word-positions"  value="true"/>
        <set name="attribute-value-positions"  value="true"/>
        <!-- and other supported key/value setting from db admin page -->

        <add name="fragment-root" namespace="a-namespace" localname="an-element-name"/>

        <element-word-lexicon namespace="a-namespace" localname="an-element-name"/>

        <element-range-index scalar-type="dateTime" namespace="a-namespace" localname="an-element-name"/>

        <attribute-range-index scalar-type="string" parent-namespace="a-namespace" parent-localname="an-element-name" namespace="" localname="an-attribute-name"/>

        <field name="a-field-name" include-root="false" value-searches="true">
            <include element-namespace="" localname="an-element-name" weight="1.0" attribute-localname="an-attribute-name" attribute-value="aValue"/>

        <range-field-index scalar-type="int" fieldname="a-field-name" range-value-positions="true"/>

            <module database="Modules" path="/">/path/to/task.xqy</module>

        <trigger name="trigger-name">
            <event type="data">
                <scope type="directory" depth="infinity">/</scope>
                <content type="document" kind="create" />
            <module database="Modules" path="/">/path/to/trigger.xqy</module>
            <enabled />

        <content-processing user="admin" role="admin" modules="Modules" root="/" default-domain="Test">
                <from-filesystem file="Installer/cpf/status-pipeline.xml"/>
                <from-filesystem file="Installer/conversion/alternatives/basic-pipeline.xml"/>
            <domain name="Test" description="Test" document-scope="directory" uri="/Content/Raw/" depth="infinity" modules="Modules" root="/">
                <pipeline name="HTML Conversion"/>
                <pipeline name="Conversion Processing (Basic)"/>
                <pipeline name="Status Change Handling"/>

    <database name="Triggers">
        <forest name="Triggers">


A set of servers to be constructed.

    <server type="http"   name="Application" port="9000" group="Default" database="Content"   root="/opt/CR-MarkLogic/Modules" modules="0">
    <server type="xdb"    name="Content"     port="9001" group="Default" database="Content"   root="/opt/CR-MarkLogic/Modules" modules="0"/>
    <server type="webdav" name="Content"     port="9002" group="Default" database="Content"   root="/" modules="0" authentication="application-level" default-user="admin"/>
    <server type="webdav" name="Modules"     port="9003" group="Default" database="Modules"   root="/" modules="0" authentication="application-level" default-user="admin"/>
    <server type="http"   name="Content"     port="9004" group="Default" database="Content"   root="/" modules="Content"/>


A custom FileSet describing pipeline XML files that should be deployed prior to executing the install-cpf phase of the application installation.

Database should be the triggers database for the application.



A custom FileSet describing files that should be loaded into the defined database after the installation of the application.
