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b3m2a1 edited this page Jun 6, 2018 · 4 revisions

All contributions to the paclet server are welcome. All we ask is that you properly use Mathematica's paclet mechanism. The Paclets page has more info.

You can contribute in any of three ways, depending on how much you'd like to do.

Single Contribution

If you have a small paclet file that you don't necessarily want to update often you can manually submit is via the Issues page . You can simply attach the paclet with the .zip extension to an issue. The extension will be changed back to .paclet before the paclet enters the review queue.

To do this:


A maintainer will handle the rest and close the issue once the paclet is merged in.

Updating Paclet

If you want to contribute a paclet that can be updated as you change it you can do so via an issue as well. If you go this route you'll need to provide a URL to update from. Happily that URL can simply be a link to a GitHub repo and the code with do the rest.

The way you'll do this is:

  • Create a new issue and provide the details for your paclet:


A maintainer will add your info to the IncludedPaclets file and then in a future build it will be downloaded and merged in.

You can also specify how often your want your paclet to be updated. The current valid specifications are, once, always, or some minimum time spec for updates. The default is once and you can always request an update via the issue that you started to register your paclet.


This is the best way to make large-scale changes to the server. There are three steps to this:

  • Create a fork of the repository in your GitHub account:


  • Clone this fork locally:


Alternately, instead of cloning locally, you can make changes via the GitHub web interface:


  • Add your paclets to the ReviewQueue folder and submit a pull request:


Via Interface Paclet

There is a helper paclet on the server to make this process easier. You can use it to register paclets or to fork, clone, add paclets, and submit pull requests. You can get the PublicPacletServer paclet on the paclet server.

More instructions can be found on the Interface Paclet page .

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