This is a PWA App in Next.js.
First, Install all the node dependencies
yarn install
Run Docker
UID=${UID} GID=${GID} USERNAME=${USERNAME} docker-compose up -d && docker-compose logs -f
Add app.outside.pv
to /etc/hosts
Visit http://localhost:3003 or http://app.outside.pv in your browser to see the result.
- Next JS
- Typescript
- Iconify for icons (with treeshaking)
- Next PWA for pwa
- WindiCss as design framework (with treeshaking)
Windi CSS goes through our pages and components to identify what to include. But this might be a problem when using
clasess dynamically like p-${x}
. If we need to use these kind of patters, then we must add them to safelist in
For more info, Please visit: