This is the demo of MaleficNet,
a new spread-spectrum-based technique to hide malware into Deep Neural Networks (DNN). To test the demo you need to put the payload (e.g., downloaded from TheZoo), inside the payload/
folder and follow the instructions below.
DISCLAIMER: the samples from TheZoo are live and dangerous malware. Do NOT download them and run this demo unless you are absolutely sure of what you are doing! They are to be used only for educational purposes. We highlight that since this demo is for educational purposes, we included only the injection and extraction algorithms on a single DNN architecture/task (i.e., DenseNet and CIFAR10).
In order to try the demo, you'll need to satisfy the following requirements.
Install PyTorch and torchvision following these instructions. Then install the remaining dependencies:
pip install pytorch-lightning bitstring pyldpc
Torchvision should take care by itself about CIFAR10.
To test using DenseNet and payload.bin payload, run this command. It will use a pre-trained DenseNet model from torchvision.models
and will fine-tune it using CIFAR10.
python --epoch 10 --model densenet --payload payload.bin --gamma 0.0009 --dataset cifar10 --num_classes 10 --dim 32
was made with ♥ and it is released under the MIT license.