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Make software building with CMake a piece of cake


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Gateau CMake Modules

Gateau consists in a set of CMake modules that make working with CMake both easier and safer.

It has been designed as a pragmatic tool to quickly create a working CMake configuration for C++ projects. As such, it is quite opinionated and equipped to handle the situations I commonly encounter. However, it may not be able to cope with random project layouts and unusual or complex needs. My primary use case for Gateau is avoiding repeating myself again and again by copy pasting the same code from project to project, and keeping clear of all the tedious boilerplate that distracts me from the real task at hand.

This tool is currently being used to build C++ software, mostly on GNU/Linux, sometimes on MS Windows, using the GCC, Clang and MinGW compilers. Help will be needed to improve compatibility with other systems and compiler combinations.


Gateau aims to simplify the definition of the CMake configuration for your project. To paraphrase a famous book title, It does so by automating the boring stuff, and choosing sane defaults so you don't need to.

It contains a few functions, macros and configuration variables that make it very simple to create an installable project with external dependencies, a few targets, unit tests and generated documentation.

In particular it is capable of:

  • Setting up useful options to make C++ development convenient:
    • Sane compiler options,
    • Sanitizers integration,
    • LTO, CCache use...
  • Looking for dependencies, downloading and compiling them for you if missing,
  • Declaring new targets that will be configured in a sensible way for you to make it both installable and importable by other projects. An export header and version header get generated for every target.
  • Making targets trivially installable, with automatic installation of binaries, headers as well as generation of CMake config, version and target modules so that your project can be found and used by other projects.
  • Declaring tests in a simple way,
  • Automatically generating Doxygen documentation,
  • ...

Again, it is a simple tool, not a full-fledged package manager. It does not particularly excel at dependency handling and will not be able to cope with complex dependency chains.

Motivational example

The following file listings illustrate the main features of Gateau. For a more complete overview, the examples directory showcases both the complete installable project presented below as well as a second project using the first one as an external dependency.

Main CMakeLists.txt

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15)

# Project definition
    VERSION 0.1
    DESCRIPTION "A yummy project"

# Include Gateau by fetching it. One may also use it as a submodule
FetchContent_Declare(gateau GIT_REPOSITORY

# Configure gateau for this project

# Looking for fmtlib
gateau_find_package(fmt GIT

# The main sources

# Tests

# Documentation
            detail  # exclude "detail" namespace
            _*      # and symbols starting with a "_"

# Other files we would like to see in the IDE
file(GLOB_RECURSE _doc_files "doc/*.md")

# Installation


# Create the "lib" library


# Create an executable that uses the "lib" library
    SOURCES bakery.cpp
    LINK_LIBRARIES eclair::lib


# I use Doctest for my unit tests
gateau_setup_testing(tests DOCTEST)



Works for me. I use Gateau for several projects and it works surprisingly well for what I want. It has not been tested at all on Windows yet, but it will someday.

My TODO list includes a lot of potentially useful stuff, but I do not require these features right now so I make no promise.

  • Install headers only libs from an archive file or path,
  • Allow a gateau_fetch_package() that uses FetchContent instead of ExternalProject,
  • Support Qt translations,
  • Support Gitlab, Gihub automation,
  • Automated project deployment and packaging, for instance with CPack,
  • Conan integration,
  • Add an option for configurable compiler flags.
  • Allow Package modules versioning,
  • ...



Only CMake is needed. Version 3.15 or later is mandatory, as Gateau modules rely on recent CMake constructs to achieve their goals.

Project organization

The project layout on the file system is not imposed but it is recommended to organize public headers in the same way you want them installed. That way it will be possible to automate installation.

A possible layout is the following:

├── CMakeLists.txt
├── data/
│  └── Misc.svg
├── doc/
├── example/
│  ├── CMakeLists.txt
│  ├── Example1.cpp
│  └── Example2.cpp
├── src/
│  └── Project/
│     └── Target/
│        ├── CMakeLists.txt
│        ├── File.h
│        ├── File.cpp
│        └── PublicHeader1.h
│        └── PublicHeader2.h
└── test/
   ├── CMakeLists.txt
   ├── Test1.cpp
   └── Test2.cpp

This makes it possible to #include <Project/Target/PublicHeader1.h> from any other public header. Having test and example directories (notice the singular) allow defining idiomatic tests and examples CMake targets.

Another popular layout is to put the public headers in the include directory:

├── CMakeLists.txt
├── include/
│  └── Project/
│     └── Target/
│        ├── CMakeLists.txt
│        └── PublicHeader1.h
│        └── PublicHeader2.h
├── src/
   └── Target/
      ├── CMakeLists.txt
      ├── File.h
      ├── File.cpp

Gateau can be customized to look for public headers from other base directories, chances are that you current project layout can be handled with no change.

User Manual

The Gateau.cmake module is the main entry point of Gateau's CMake modules distribution. It should be included right after the call project() command, near the top of a project's top level CMakeLists.txt.

All the other modules are included from this one, so no other inclusion is necessary.

CMake version 3.15 or later is required.

Using Gateau in your project

One can include Gateau as a git submodule, integrate it in its own project or simply use FetchContent to incorporate it at configuration time.

The following snippet near the top of the root CMakeLists.txt of a project should suffice:

# Fetch Gateau
FetchContent_Declare(gateau GIT_REPOSITORY

Configuration and user visible options

After inclusion of Gateau's main module, a number of cache variables get defined. They can be categorized into 4 different groups:

  • Internal variables used by Gateau itself,
  • Variables that describe the system,
  • Hidden variables used to setup low-level aspects of a Gateau-based project,
  • User-visible variables that can be used to tweak the configuration of a project.

Each variable is prefixed with an identifier created from the project name. The identifier is obtained by separating the words of the project name and producing an all-caps C identifier equivalent string of it. For instance:

Project Name Equivalent Prefix
myproj MYPROJ
my-proj MY_PROJ
my_proj MY_PROJ

This prefix identifier is stored in the ${PROJECT_NAME}_IDENT cache variable. The reason for prefixing variables is to allow Gateau-based sub-projects.

Here is a breakdown of the variables generated by Gateau, by type.

Informative variables

Those are conceptually read-only.

Variable Description Value
${PROJECT_NAME}_IDENT The identifier string used to prefix variables ${ID}
${ID}_ARCH The architecture pointer size 32 or 64
${ID}_X32 Is this a 32 bits build ON or OFF
${ID}_X64 Is this a 64 bits build ON or OFF

Low-level configuration variables

Those are meant for the project developers.

Variable Description Default
${ID}_RELATIVE_HEADERS_DIRS Dirs where headers are expected to be found src;include;Src;Source;Include
${ID}_GENERATED_HEADER_EXT Extension of generated headers "hpp"
${ID}_NAMESPACE The namespace used for alias targets and exports "${PROJECT_NAME}"
${ID}_C_STANDARD The C standard to use c_std_99
${ID}_CXX_STANDARD The C++ standard to use cxx_std_17
${ID}_NAME_PREFIX The default prefix to use for output file names ""
${ID}_LIBRARY_NAME_PREFIX The prefix to use for library output file names ""
${ID}_RUNTIME_NAME_PREFIX The prefix to use for runtime output file names ""

${ID}_RELATIVE_HEADERS_DIRS can be used to teach Gateau about the project layout, and will be used to install the project's development headers correctly.

${ID}_GENERATED_HEADER_CASE and ${ID}_GENERATED_HEADER_EXT and describes how one wishes the generated headers to be named. Right now, two header files may be generated for a given target: a version header and an export header.

Case Result
CAMEL TargetVersion.h
SNAKE target_version.h
HYPHEN target-version.h

${ID}_NAME_PREFIX, ${ID}_LIBRARY_NAME_PREFIX and ${ID}_RUNTIME_NAME_PREFIX can be used to add a custom prefix to the names of targets output names. For instance a library target named foo with ${ID}_LIBRARY_NAME_PREFIX set to 'bar' may be named on some platforms.

Options and cache variables

The following variables can be set by the user to tweak how the project will be configured and built. They can grouped thematically.

Options that control what gets built

The ${ID}_BUILD_XXXX options can be used by the project developer to selectively deactivate parts of the project to be built.

Option Description Default
${ID}_BUILD_EXAMPLES Build code examples ON
${ID}_BUILD_TESTS Build tests ON
${ID}_BUILD_DOC Build documentation ON
${ID}_BUILD_BENCHMARKS Build benchmarks OFF
Options that affect the compilation

A number of options can be used to change the compiler flags.

Option Description Default
${ID}_ENABLE_AUTOSELECT_LINKER Select the best available linker ON
${ID}_ENABLE_COMMON_WARNINGS Enable common compiler flags ON
${ID}_ENABLE_LIBCXX Use libc++ instead of gcc standard library OFF
${ID}_ENABLE_LTO Enable link time optimization (release only) OFF
${ID}_ENABLE_MANY_WARNINGS Enable more compiler warnings OFF
${ID}_ENABLE_PROFILING Add compile flags to help with profiling OFF
${ID}_ENABLE_WERROR Enable werror for a few important compiler flags ON
${ID}_KEEP_TEMPS Keep temporary compiler-generated files for debugging purpose OFF
${ID}_SANITIZE_ADDRESS Compile with address sanitizer support OFF
${ID}_SANITIZE_THREADS Compile with thread sanitizer support OFF
${ID}_SANITIZE_UNDEFINED Compile with undefined sanitizer support OFF
${ID}_SPLIT_DEBUG_INFO Split debug info (may not compatible with sanitizers) ON
${ID}_USE_CCACHE Use Ccache to speed-up compilation OFF
Options that control where build artifacts get stored


Option Description Default
${ID}_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY Where to place compiled targets ""
${ID}_DOCUMENTATION_ROOT Documentation installation root directory ${BD}/doc
Options that control how external dependencies are build

Gateau has limited ability to install missing external dependencies. This feature can be disabled with the ${ID}_NO_INSTALL_DEPS option. At the other side of the spectrum, ${ID}_UPDATE_DEPS can be used to instruct Gateau to update external dependencies. This is useful for projects that rely on multiple related third party components highly coupled but managed in distinct repositories.

The other options are meant to tweak external dependencies handling.

Option Description Default
${ID}_NO_BUILD_DEPS Prevent Gateau from building missing external dependencies OFF
${ID}_UPDATE_DEPS Update the external packages when the project is reconfigured OFF
${ID}_EXTERNAL_ROOT Root directory where external packages get handled ${BD}/external
${ID}_EXTERNAL_BUILD_TYPE Build type used to build external packages Release
${ID}_EXTERNAL_INSTALL_PREFIX Prefix where to install built external packages EXTERNAL_ROOT/prefix
${ID}_DOWNLOAD_CACHE Directory that acts as a download cache for external packages EXTERNAL_ROOT/download

Project creation

Apart from including the main Gateau module, some of the configuration variables, the one targeting the project itself, can be passed using an optional call to gateau_configure.

    [C_STANDARD <c_std>] [CXX_STANDARD <cxx_std>]
    [OUTPUT_DIRECTORY <out_dir>]
    [DOWNLOAD_CACHE <down_dir>]
    [NAMESPACE <namespace>]
    [NAME_PREFIX <prefix>]
    [LIBRARY_NAME_PREFIX <library_prefix>]
    [RUNTIME_NAME_PREFIX <runtime_prefix>]
    [EXTERNAL_BUILD_TYPE <build_type>]
    [EXTERNAL_ROOT <ext_root_dir>]
    [EXTERNAL_INSTALL_PREFIX <ext_prefix>]
    [RELATIVE_HEADERS_DIRS [items...]])

The options are the same as described earlier, and allow the project developer to tweak Gateau for the needs of the project.

Finding dependencies

Gateau offers a wrapper over the find_packages facilities to improve and extend the function to include automated compilation of external dependencies as well as integrate those dependencies in the CMake find modules that will be generated for the project.

To do so, simply replace calls to find_package with calls to gateau_find_package.

This macro supplements the find_package function with additional features that allow overriding package finding instructions, as well as instruct CMake how to download, and install the dependency itself if it was not found.

To do so, Gateau relies on the creation of special CMake modules, named after the package to be found, which define variables and a couple of macros to instruct Gateau on how the package should be found and installed. Installation itself is deferred to the CMake ExternalProject module.

Gateau comes with a few custom package instruction modules for dependencies I use or have used in the past. Any project can add additional modules in its own tree by declaring the directory that contains them to Gateau.

# Add a directory to the list of directories to search when looking for a
# package module file with installation instructions for external dependencies.

Creating such modules is not mandatory to benefit from the capabilities offered by gateau_find_package. One can also supply custom directives directly to the macro. For this reason, gateau_find_package offers a number of parameters, most of them mirror those from ExternalProject_add, which will mostly be passed as-is to the function.

    [GIT <git_url>]
    [TAG <git_tag>]
    [URL <file_url>]
    [MD5 <file_md5>]
    [SOURCE_SUBDIR <subdir>]
    [SINGLE_HEADER <header_url>]
    [CMAKE_CACHE_ARGS args...]
    [CMAKE_ARGS args...]
    [PATCH_COMMAND commands...]
    [UPDATE_COMMAND commands...]
    [CONFIGURE_COMMAND commands...]
    [BUILD_COMMAND commands...]
    [INSTALL_COMMAND commands...])

Contrary to find_package, gateau_find_package defaults to REQUIRED. For optional dependencies, the OPTIONAL keyword must be used.

That way, by merely adding a GIT or URL directive to gateau_find_package, one can transform a normal find_package directive into one that can fetch compile and install the dependency for you (assuming a CMake installable dependency).

Here is one such example:

    SOURCES foo.cpp
    LINK_LIBRARIES spdlog::spdlog)

Build-only dependencies

Some dependencies may be build-only deps, for instance headers-only libraries used in private parts or code generation tools. The installed package does not depend on it and as such does not constitute a runtime dependency. Those can be marked using the BUILD_ONLY_DEP option, and will not be added to the package config module installed with the package.

Special case for single header libraries

gateau_find_package possesses an option dedicated to single header libraries. It allows installing such a library by supplying an URL to the header file.

The ${name}::${name} import target gets generated automatically and can be linked to.

    SOURCES foo.cpp
    LINK_LIBRARIES date::date)

Creating package modules for external dependencies

A package module file named after the dependency to be installed and placed in an appropriate directory can be created to instruct Gateau how to find and install a particular package. The complete file will be sourced by Gateau.

The variables accepted by gateau_find_package can be defined in this module, but must be prefixed with the package name. For instance, the module for a package "Dep" may contain the variable Dep_URL.

Moreover, two macros may optionally be defined, also prefixed with the package name:

  • ${dep}_find(name optional_find_options...)
  • ${dep}_install(name)

The first macro gets called when the dependency is searched. A default implementation would dispatch all the arguments to find_package(). This is where one would handle custom search procedure and define import targets if the default package distribution does not provide any, for instance for old style cmake packages and non-cmake built packages.

The second is responsible for installing the dependency, and gets called if the depenency was not found. Most of the time, one wants to use gateau_install_dependency() for that. This is a wrapper over ExternalProject_add that knows how to use some variables prefixed with the package name to setup the installation procedure.

For illustration purpose, here is a complete annoted module example of package module for a dependency that is not CMake compatible:

# This is asio.cmake, a package module that provides custom search and installation
# procedure for the standalone asio library.

# First a couple of variables that instruct gateau_install_dependency() how to fetch
# the asio source code from its git repository.
set(asio_GIT "")
set(asio_TAG "asio-1-18-0")

# The _find macro gets called when the package is searched.
macro(asio_find name)
    # Standard package finding procedure

        NAMES io_service.hpp
        PATH_SUFFIXES asio

        asio DEFAULT_MSG asio_INCLUDE_DIR)


    # We also create an import target for nicer use
    if(asio_FOUND AND NOT TARGET asio::asio)
        add_library(asio::asio INTERFACE IMPORTED)
        set_target_properties(asio::asio PROPERTIES
        target_compile_definitions(asio::asio INTERFACE

# The _install macro is called to install the package is not found.
macro(asio_install name)
    # Call to gateau_install_dependency, which installs the dep
    # For this header only package, we specifically instruct cmake to skip unwanted steps
        INSTALL_COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory "<INSTALL_DIR>/include/asio"
                COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory "<SOURCE_DIR>/asio/include/asio" "<INSTALL_DIR>/include/asio"
                COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy "<SOURCE_DIR>/asio/include/asio.hpp" "<INSTALL_DIR>/include"

Most of the time, for packages already supporting CMake, the package module will only contain a few variables to setup the package URL or GIT repo and custom CMAKE_ARGS. The packages directory contains a few modules ready for use that can serve as example.

gateau_install_dependency() has the following signature:

# Function that simplifies working with ExternalProject_Add.
# It sets an ExternalProject up using the supplied available information and
# creates an install and uninstall target for later use.
# The list of recognized arguments is enumerated below, and mostly matches the
# names and meaning of the one accepted by ExternalProject_add.
# The arguments used to configure the external project are retrieved from two
# sources: the arguments supplied to the function, as well as any variable in
# scope that has the form ${dep}_OPTION_NAME, where OPTION_NAME is a variable
# name from the parameters list below.
# Unrecognized arguments will be passed as-is to ExternalProject_Add.
    [GIT <git_repo>]
    [TAG <git_tag>]
    [URL <file_url>]
    [MD5 <file_md5>]
    [SOURCE_SUBDIR <subdir>]
    [GIT_CONFIG config...]
    [CMAKE_CACHE_ARGS args...]
    [CMAKE_ARGS args...]
    [PATCH_COMMAND cmds...]
    [UPDATE_COMMAND cmds...]
    [BUILD_COMMAND cmds...]
    [INSTALL_COMMAND cmds...])

Look up the ExternalProject_add documentation for more information on each option.

Creating targets

One of the design goals of Gateau is to provide clean an consistent APIs. To that hand, the number of actual functions to create and configure targets is reduced to the bare minimum:

  • gateau_add_library() to create a new library target
  • gateau_add_executable() to create a new executable target
  • gateau_extend_target() to modify a target

Most aspects of a target can be parametrized through calls to those three functions. The first two calls declare new library and executable targets respectively, whereas the last one extends an already existing target.

All the parameters accepted by gateau_extend_target() can also be passed to the other two functions, and will be forwarded to it.

Defining a new library target

    [INSTALL_BINDIR <dir>]
    [INSTALL_LIBDIR <dir>]
    [other options accepted by gateau_extend_target()]...

The following options are accepted:

  • One of STATIC SHARED OBJECT MODULE INTERFACE (defaults to SHARED): library type
  • SYSTEM: set the SYSTEM keywords to include directories
  • NO_INSTALL: do not install this target
  • NO_INSTALL_HEADER: do not install the dev headers
  • NO_EXPORT: the target is not exported to the cmake package module installed
  • NO_EXPORT_HEADER: do not generate an export header
  • NO_VERSION_HEADER: do not generate a version header
  • INSTALL_BINDIR: override the binaries installation directory path
  • INSTALL_LIBDIR: override the libraries installation directory path
  • INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR: override the headers installation directory path
  • Other options.... parameters forwarded to gateau_extend_target()

Automated installation and generation of both an export and version header are some of the benefits of creating library targets through a call to gateau_add_library().

The target also gets an alias of the form ${Project}::${Target} and also makes use of all the options defined at project scope.

Most of the time, a single call to gateau_add_library() will suffice to define the whole target. See the documentation for gateau_extend_target() below to learn how to configure the other function parameters.

Also of note, gateau_add_library() should work out of the box with interface libraries.

Defining a new executable target

    [INSTALL_BINDIR <dir>]
    [other options accepted by gateau_extend_target()]...

The following options are accepted:

  • One of STATIC SHARED OBJECT MODULE INTERFACE (defaults to SHARED): library type
  • NO_INSTALL: do not install this target
  • NO_EXPORT: the target is not exported to the cmake package module installed
  • VERSION_HEADER: do generate a version header
  • INSTALL_BINDIR: override the binaries installation directory path
  • Other options.... parameters forwarded to gateau_extend_target()

Configuring a target

Both gateau_add_library() and gateau_add_executable() forward unused arguments to gateau_extend_target(). Several calls to this function can be performed to augment a target.

    [CONDITION <condition>]
    [SOURCES             [PUBLIC|PRIVATE|INTERFACE] srcs...]
    [HEADERS             [PUBLIC|PRIVATE|INTERFACE] hdrs...]
    [PROPERTIES          [PROP_NAME <prop_value>]...]

The function call wraps all the aspects of a target configuration, with options that map to the various cmake functions that act on a target. Visibility can be tweaked per option. Here is a rundown:

  • AUTOMOC, AUTOUIC and AUTORCC activate the corresponding properties for the target
  • EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL excludes the target from the all target.
  • NO_INSTALL_HEADERS skips headers installation for a target
  • CONDITION a boolean that dictates if the call to gateau_extend_target() must be applied
  • SOURCES calls target_sources(), declares non installable sources (and also private headers)
  • HEADERS calls target_sources(), declares headers that must be installed with the binary target
  • COMPILE_DEFINITIONS calls target_compile_definitions()
  • COMPILE_FEATURES calls target_compile_features()
  • COMPILE_OPTIONS calls target_compile_options()
  • INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES target_include_directories()
  • LINK_DIRECTORIES calls target_link_directories()
  • LINK_OPTIONS calls target_link_options()
  • LINK_LIBRARIES calls target_link_libraries()
  • PROPERTIES calls set_target_properties() with the supplied property-value pairs

One can mix calls to Gateau functions with CMake normal calls, however this may be at the expanse of automated headers accounting and installation.

Installing a project

Most of the work is performed at target creation. The actual install target is created through a simple call to gateau_install_project(), which will use the information gathered from previous calls to gateau_configure(), gateau_add_library() and gateau_add_executable(). Consequently, it should be placed near the end of your root CMakelists.txt, after all the targets to be installed have been defined.

Generating documentation

Gateau can produce Doxygen generated documentation with minimal setup and a single call to gateau_build_documentation()

# Generate documentation for this gateau project
    [EXCLUDED_SYMBOLS symbol_regexes...]
    [INPUT_PATHS paths...]
    [EXCLUDED_PATHS paths])
  • EXCLUDED_SYMBOLS: list of symbols to exclude from the documentation, defaults to "detail"
  • PREDEFINED_MACROS: Preprocessor macros to define, with an optional value, when parsing files
  • INPUT_PATHS: input paths whose files should be parsed in addition to "" and files in the RELATIVE_HEADERS_DIRS list of source directories
  • EXCLUDED_PATHS: paths that should be excluded from the parsing

Example use:


Adding tests

Gateau tries to make it easy to add testcases to a project. It has build in support for three commonly used test libraries: Google Test, QtTest, Catch2 and Doctest.

To declare tests, one must first declare a head target and an optional associated provider through call to gateau_setup_testing(), then one can simply declare new test cases with calls to gateau_add_test().

gateau_setup_testing(<target> [GTEST|CATCH2|DOCTEST|QTTEST])

gateau_add_test(<test_name> [OPTIONS ACCEPTED BY gateau_add_executable()])

By declaring a provider, said provider gets installed for you if required, test cases get linked to the provider and the test cases are integrated to the CTest framework.

Other minor features

Some of the Gateau modules export a few other useful functions.

Grouping non source files into folders

gateau_other_files(category files...) can be used to group the list of files into a folder named "category". For tidy grouping in the tree view of an IDE.

This has not be tested apart from Qt Creator.

Qt Related tools

The GateauQtHelpers module contains a few helpers to work with Qt related projects. This has not been used and tested enough to warrant any documentation.


Make software building with CMake a piece of cake








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No packages published
