is a prototype of a learning algorithm that allows the inference of a regular languages with "parametrised symbols". It is based on the lessons learned with James tool and is designed as an extension on the blue-fringe algorithm.
The key differences with James tool are that detparaminf
- Is sound (it fits all input data).
- It works on grammar level (it can be used for test generation but it does not currently support automatic instrumentation and, thus, it does not assume that the system being modelled is a Web Service).
We can use detparaminf
to infer a diagram from the following traces:
- Positive traces:
- Trace 1:
- B = createBottle()
- G = createGlass()
- openBottle(B)
- fillGlassUsingBottle(G, B)
- Trace 2:
- B = createBottle()
- G = createGlass()
- openBottle(B)
- closeBottle(B)
- openBottle(B)
- fillGlassUsingBottle(G, B)
- Negative traces:
- Trace 3:
- B1 = createBottle()
- B2 = createBottle()
- G = createGlass()
- openBottle(B1)
- fillGlassUsingBottle(G, B2)
- Trace 4:
- B = createBottle()
- G = createGlass()
- openBottle(B)
- closeBottle(B)
- fillGlassUsingBottle(G, B)
For that we first input the traces in the internal format. We can do it from ghci
as follows:
import DetParamInf.ParamLang
let traces = ParamSample { posTraces = [[PCall "createBottle" [], PCall "createGlass" [], PCall "openBottle" [0], PCall "fillGlassUsingBottle" [1, 0]], [PCall "createBottle" [], PCall "createGlass" [], PCall "openBottle" [0], PCall "closeBottle" [0], PCall "openBottle" [0], PCall "fillGlassUsingBottle" [1, 0]]], negTraces = [[PCall "createBottle" [], PCall "createBottle" [], PCall "createGlass" [], PCall "openBottle" [0], PCall "fillGlassUsingBottle" [2, 1]], [PCall "createBottle" [], PCall "createGlass" [], PCall "openBottle" [0], PCall "closeBottle" [0], PCall "fillGlassUsingBottle" [1, 0]]] }
The inference algorithm is triggered by the function detParamInf
in the DetParamInf
import DetParamInf.DetParamInf
let dfsm = detParamInf traces
We can now visualise the resulting machine as follows:
import DetParamInf.DFSMVisualise
visualise dfsm
This will produce a diagram like the following:
The module Inference
contains some functions to use oracles and some toy examples.