Extension of Batch JS adding data storage support for databases.
npm install batchjs-data --no-optional
npm install sqlite sqlite3 #For SQLite implementation
npm install mariadb #For MariaDB implementation
npm install mysql2 #For MySQL implementation
npm install pg @types/pg #For PostgreSQL implementation
yarn add batchjs-data --no-optional
yarn add mariadb #For MariaDB implementation
yarn add mysql2 #For MySQL implementation
yarn add pg @types/pg #For PostgreSQL implementation
yarn add sqlite sqlite3 #For SQLite implementation
- Create your reader
import sqlite3 from "sqlite3"; import {open} from "sqlite"; import { SqliteBatchEntityReader } from "batchjs-data/sqlite"; import { UserDTO } from "./UserDTO"; export class UserBatchReader extends SqliteBatchEntityReader<UserDTO> { constructor(options:{batchSize:number,query?:string}) { super({ batchSize: options.batchSize, dbConnectionFactory: () => { return open({filename: './database.db', driver: sqlite3.Database});}, query: options.query || "SELECT id, username FROM users" }); } protected rowToEntity(row: unknown): UserDTO { return row as UserDTO; } }
- Create your writer
import sqlite3 from "sqlite3"; import sqlite, {open} from "sqlite"; import { SqliteBatchEntityWriter } from "batchjs-data/sqlite"; import { UserDTO } from "./UserDTO"; export class UserBatchWriter extends SqliteBatchEntityWriter<UserDTO> { constructor(options:{batchSize:number}){ super({ batchSize: options.batchSize, dbConnectionFactory: () => { return open({filename: './database.db', driver: sqlite3.Database});}, prepareStatement: "INSERT INTO users (id, username) VALUES (@id, @username)" }); } protected saveEntity(entity: UserDTO, stmt: sqlite.Statement): Promise<void> { return stmt.all<void>({'@id': entity.id, '@username': entity.username}); } }
- Use them in your BatchJS Job
import { Job, Step } from "batchjs"; // Implement a step class StepImplementation extends Step { // Set a name to the step constructor(name: string = "DemoStep") { super(name); } // Implement the reader to load step data source protected _reader() { return new UserBatchReader({batchSize:2}); } // Implement the processors to transform data sequently using our streams or your own streams protected _processors() { const opts: TransformOptions = { objectMode: true, transform( chunk: unknown, encoding: BufferEncoding, callback: TransformCallback ) { this.push(chunk); callback(); }, }; return [new Transform(opts), new Transform(opts)]; } // Implement the write to stock final step data protected _writer() { return new UserBatchWriter({batchSize:2}) } } // Implement a Job class JobImplementation extends Job { // Implement to set the steps to be sequently executed. protected _steps() { return [new StepImplementation(), new StepImplementation()]; } } // Instance the Job const job = new JobImplementation("My job"); // Set events listener job.on("stepStart", (step: step) => { console.log(`Starting step ${step.name}`); }); // Launch the job job.run() .then(() => { console.log("Job completed successfully"); }) .catch((error) => { console.log("Job completed with errors"); });
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