A distributed time travel app, where you can record video message and send it to the future.
Fork it, clone it, run it.
In client
npm install
npm start
In server folder
npm install
node or nodemon index.js
Have fun
- React - Frontend Web Framework
- Redux - Clear state of mind
- IPFS - Inter Planetary File System to store videos forever
- WebRTC - RecordRTC library to record live streams from user's devices
- Express - Back end + runs CRON to send recordings
- MongoDB - Database to store user emails and IFPS hashes
Yet to be written
Yet to be deployed
Please feel free to contribute or report issues/bugs.
- Nikitq Kudryqvtsev - Full Stack Architect - Palevoo
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Create Ethereum smart contract to which you can send funds with hash of video location, which would only unfreeze in given period.
- Create an oracle on EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) to query smart contract (CRON)
- Improve UI (add clock, visuals and design)