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AndrewMicallef edited this page Apr 11, 2017 · 8 revisions

The basic hardware requirements

Full parts list:

I have included links to the manufacturer websites for all non-standard parts

QTY item
1 × Arduino Uno
1 × LM358N Op Amp
2 × 1 KΩ resistors
1 × 220 KΩ resistor
1 × 1 MΩ resistor
1 × 240 µF capacitor
1 × 10 Ω - 2 MΩ trimpot (Bourns 3386)
1 × 1N4001 diode
1 × 0.6 mm Range Piezo Bender Actuator
1 × blunted 24 G needle
Water Delivery
1 × 24 V DC Solenoid pinch valve PS-1615NC
1 × TTL gated 24 V DC power supply
Air Puffer
BNC headers

Wiring of the Amplifier

Amplifier wiring

Wiring the Arduino

The following table outlines the wiring of the Arduino for the program in this repository. This indicates the power / signal lines only. Each of these connections also needs to be wired to the Arduino ground. As the Uno only has 3 GND pins you have to make an additional set of headers to wire into.

pin Physical connection
D3 short recording trigger (10ms TTL pulse )
D4 full trial duration signal (bulb style trigger)
D5 Connect to Stimulus device, outputs a variable duration pulse
D6 Connect to punishment device, (TTL trigger)
D7 output to auditory cue speaker
D10 Connect to water valve gated power supply
A0 The Piezo Amplifier is connected to the analog input
5V Connect to the power input (5V) of the Piezo linear Amplifier

Table: connections

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