This project consists of a set of microservices that handle the ETL process for data ingestion and storage. These services can be deployed independently, scaled horizontally, and be easily integrated into larger pipelines.
The following microservices are included in this project:
: Streams data from MongoDB and Neo4j to Kafka
: Reads data from Kafka topics and stores it in MySQL.
- Flask
- kafka-python
- py2neo
- pymongo
- mysql-connector-python
- python-dotenv
Before running the application, you'll need to initialize and populate the databases.
Install MongoDB. After installation, you can create a database named etl_products
and use the insert_products.mongodb
(inside input directory) file to populate the database with sample data.
Install Neo4J. After installation, use the script insert_users.cypher
(inside input directory) to insert the sample user data and create friendship relationships between them.
Install MySQL. Then, create a database relational_db
containing two tables:
- One table named
with columnsProductID
(varchar, primary key) andDescription
(varchar). - One table named
with columnsName
(varchar) andProductID
(varchar, foreign key).
In order to run the application locally, create a .env file inside the project app's directory, which will contain sensitive data such as database credentials, API keys, etc.
For the app to work, it is necessary to add the credentials for neo4j, mongodb, kafka, mysql and the producer and consumer ports. Here's a demonstration example of how the .env
file should look like:
NEO4J_URL = "bolt://"
NEO4J_USR = "neo4j"
NEO4J_PSWD = "12341234"
KAFKA_URL = "localhost:9092"
MONGODB_URL = "mongodb+srv://"
MYSQL_USR = "root"
MYSQL_PSWD = "your-mysql-password"
MYSQL_URL = "localhost"
The producer can be started by running the following command in the root directory of the project:
The producer exposes two endpoints that stream data to Kafka topics:
POST /stream_collection
: Streams all documents from a specified collection in MongoDB to the corresponding Kafka topic.POST /stream_user
: Streams a user and their friends from Neo4j to the users Kafka topic.
The consumer can be started by running the following command in the root directory of the project:
The consumer exposes an endpoint that reads data from Kafka topics and stores it in MySQL:
POST /store_data
: Reads data from a specified Kafka topic and stores it in the corresponding table in MySQL.
You can use Postman to make requests to the exposed endpoints. The body of each request should be in JSON format and look like the following examples:
Example request for /stream_collection
"collection": "Laptops"
Example request for /stream_user
"user": "Igor"
Example request for /store_data
"user": "Alice",
"collection": "Wearables"