- Final Project for ENSF607 - M.Eng in Software Engineering at University of Calgary
- Project_SQL.sql file contains all the CREATE and INSERT statements to setup a dummy database
- Frontend: React, Bulma CSS Framework
- Backend: Java Spring Framework with MySQL Database, following MVC pattern
- Authentication: JWT using Auth0 Library
- Zachary Frena
- Marko Mijovic
- Meet Pandya
All of the backend code is located in Backend folder The API code is split into 4 packages - Controller, Exception, Helper, Model
- Contains 6 classes that are Spring Framework's @RestController classes to handle request at different endpoints
- The TestController class as the name suggests is only for testing dummy endpoints to see how the request and response looks
- Contains 3 classes responsible for handling Exceptions in a custom to make sure client receives meaningful responses
- Contains 3 classes with different purposes to act as a Helper Classes throughout the code
- In future, this package could have additional classes created as the project comes to completion
- Contains all the classes related to all the Model objects required for this project
- This class contains the Main method where Spring Application is initialized and the server is started
- This folder contains Postman json files that have a bunch of GET & POST requests for the API
- This folder contains all the Frontend code related to React part of this application
React Endpoint | Endpoint Details |
/ | Login Page |
/home | Home Page with Search Animal view |
/addAnimal | Add Animal Page View |
/diagnosis | Add Animal Diagnosis |
/uploadPhoto | Upload Animal Photo |
/viewAlerts | View Existing Disease Alerts |
/updateAnimal | Update Animal's personal Info |
/treatment | Treatment Request Page |
/prescription | Prescription Page |
/updateHealth | Update Animal Health |
/borrowAnimal | Request to Borrow Animal |
/requestsPending | Requests Pending Page |
/animalProfile | Animal Profile Page |
/manageUsers | Manage Users in the System |
- This is the Final Project for ENSF607 course at University of Calgary
- The project is designed for the Vet Department at University of Calgary