This is the implementation of the Healthy Eating Mobile App done by:
Student | Student ID |
Pang Ka Ho | 2102047 |
Lim Ryan | 2101702 |
Tan Zong Wei | 2100642 |
Rachel Cha | 2102803 |
Chew Xun Yuan | 2101297 |
| +---Sprites
| +---Music
| +---Sound
| +---Scripts # C# scripts
+---Docs # Wiki, concept art, marketing material
+---Levels # Anything related to game design in Unity
| +---Prefabs
| +---Scenes
| +---UI
- main
- sprintX
- sprintX-usXX
- Work on sprintX branch.
- Branch off of sprintX branch when working on a User Story.
- If more than one person is working on the same User Story, then share the branch.
- When a User Story is completed, do a Pull Request and request a reviewer (anyone except the PR requester will do, just need to get another pair of eyes).
- When the reviewer has approve the Pull Request. It is the requester's responsibility to merge and delete the unused branch.
- Never commit broken code! Or else I will pull your ear >:(
- feat: add new abilities
- fix: bug fix
- code: style/comment, no product impact
- chore: ci/cd, project structure changes
- refactor: code structure refactor
- revert: revert to previous code
- build: release #X
- Use Pascal Case (e.g., don't use: Outofmemoryexception. use: OutOfMemoryException)
- Use descriptive names and don't abbreviate (e.g., don't use: lBtnStM. use: LargeButtonSettingsMenu)
- Naming conventions and standards (
- Recommended project folder structure (