PLAsTiCC Kaggle Challenge Submission
This repository contains the source code of the approach described by the Kernel - CNN based Classification of Light Curves .
There's also an associated EDA Kernel here
The requirements.txt is an auto-generated file based on pigar, here are the steps I followed to create the environment.
- Install Anaconda 3
- Create a conda environment with python 3.6
- Install Tensorflow
- Install Keras
I assume the input directory has the following structure:
training_set.csv #file containing the time series data
training_set_metadata.csv #file containing metadata
train_csv/ #base directory to generate the individual csv files (see below)
train_dmdt/ #base directory to generate the DMDT Images (see below)
I've divided the main kernel into four files:
- breaks the time series data into one csv file per object (this is useful especially when the number of objects is huge - as was the case for the test set). It expects a base directory (input/train_csv
by default), and generates an objects.csv containing a list of all unique object ids, as well as one csv file per object, containing time series data for that
- generates dmdt images for each object given its individual csv file. It expects a location where the csv files are store (input/train_csv
by default) and a base directory to store the dmdt images (input/train_dmdt
by default)
- Trains a Keras model on the DMDT Images. It expects a location where the dmdt images are stored (input/train_dmdt
by default). The resulting model is saved tomodel/model_<timestamp>.h5
- Uses the trained model to generate results on a set of images. It expects a location where the dmdt images are stored (input/train_dmdt
by default), and a model (model/model_<timestamp>.h5
by default). The results are stored tooutput/test_results.csv
The general sequence to run the source files would be:
I have pre-computed the Images for the training set as a Kaggle Dataset - See Plasticc DMDT Images, so you can skip the first two source files if you just need to run on the training dataset
I also have the images for the test set, but they're understandably huge and hard to share. I have them on a EC2 instance, let me know if you'd like access to it.