pip intsall -r requirements.txt
Download the data with the mask annotations from data.tar.gz
Or download the original HPatches data from data hpatches-sequences-release.tar.gz from HPatches, and generate your own mask by
python3 chessboard.py [-h] [--rect_width RECT_WIDTH] [--rect_height RECT_HEIGHT]
[--width WIDTH] [--height HEIGHT] [--save SAVE]
python3 patchgen.py [-h] [--cuda] [--epoch EPOCH] [--width WIDTH]
[--height HEIGHT] [--decay DECAY] [--alpha ALPHA]
[--multiplier MULTIPLIER] [--save SAVE] [--model MODEL]
[--untargeted] [--init INIT] [--init-pattern INIT_PATTERN]
[--prob PROB]
python3 maskgen.py [-h] [--dirs [DIRS ...]] [--dir DIR] [--mask-file MASK_FILE]
[--patch-width PATCH_WIDTH] [--patch-height PATCH_HEIGHT]
[--H H] [--individual] [--overlapping]
python3 patch_eval.py [-h] [--dirs [DIRS ...]] [--dir DIR] [--mask-file MASK_FILE]
[--null-mask] [--match-point-num MATCH_POINT_NUM]
[--patch-file PATCH_FILE] [--model MODEL] [--model-weight MODEL_WEIGHT]
[--device DEVICE] [--log LOG]
- Evaluates the chess-init with size 128 while attacking the targeted viewpoints using masking size 128.
python3 patch_eval.py \
--dirs data/hpatches-mask/* \
--mask-file mask_indiv_128.json \
--patch-file patches/patch_chess_w128_h128.png \
--device cuda \
--log log/
- Evaluates the chessboard pattern with size 100 while attacking the untargeted viewpoints using masking size 128 and the model is SIFT.
python3 patch_eval.py \
--dirs data/hpatches-mask/* \
--mask-file mask_128.json \
--patch-file patches/chessboard_128.png \
--model sift \
--device cuda \
--log log/
The green point is the points in other viewpoint that match with the points in the source mask of the source viewpoint.
├── chessboard.py
├── data
│ └── hpatches-mask
│ ├── v_abstract/
│ └── ...
├── homography_transforms.py
├── maskgen.py
├── models
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── sift.py
│ ├── superpoint.py
│ └── superpoint_v1.pth
├── patches
│ ├── chessboard_100.png
│ └── ...
├── patch_eval.py
├── patchgen.py
├── README.md
├── report.pdf
└── requirements.txt