Digital Ikebana
A mobile-first CSS, HTML, & JavaScript library written for minimal, elegant web design.
(Please excuse the mess, sections of the documentation are still being written)
- 12 column Flexbox Grid
- offset
- Flexbox
- Rows & columns
- Justify, alignment, & align-self
- Ordering
- Wrapping
- Grow, Shrink & Fill
- etc.
- Basic element styles
- Buttons
- Accent Buttons (Design Variation)
- Form elements
- Text inputs
- Textareas
- Select dropdowns
- Checkboxes and radios
- Range selector
- Datepicker
- Custom Datepicker plugin (vanilla JS)
- File upload
- Navs
- Modals
- Mouse animation (installable module, cheesy but used a lot by myself personally)
- Buttons
- Helpers
- Spacing (margins, padding)
- Height (set vh heights)
- Width (set % widths)
- Text alignment
- Text size
- Shadows
- Hide classes
- Responsive iframes / ratio containers
- Corners
- Borders
- Quick class toggle using HTML5 data attributes (build your own modals, navs, etc.)
- ie11 + support
- Fallbacks styles for browsers without JavaScript
Included are a lot of the tools to build and scale a website quickly. As for the Javascript, no dependencies are required. It was written with ES5 (for IE11 support) and is currently there to enhance user experience with forms and to add quick toggle abilities (to create your own custom modals and navigations).