Microservice to synchronize DB with search index. i3 derives from "idx" (i - first letter, followed by number of letters). idx is abbreviation from "index".
environment variable to point i3 to source
environment variable to point i3 to search
engine URL. Only SOLR is supported.
I3 can be used as command line utility. But first you need to install it and enter poetry shell:
$ poetry install -E pg
$ poetry shell
Now use i3
$ i3 --help
To index one specific document in dry-run mode:
$ i3 index cf98534b-e447-4917-bb41-8220573da886 --dry-run
To index all documents in dry-run mode:
$ i3 index --dry-run
Dry-run mode just prints json values to terminal - json values which in normal mode would be sent to the search engine.
$ poetry run schema apply // apply index schema
$ peotry run index // index db documents
$ peotry run task worker