This repo hosts an experiment on security ontologies.
Here I collect information from different sources and try to describe them in RDF.
Original data sources are referenced in the ontology description, eg. for SAMM, see the SAMM GitHub repository and the associate license.
Pre-commit checks your files before committing. It can lint, format or do other checks on them.
Once you install it via
pip3 install pre-commit --user
You can run it directly via
pre-commit run --all-files
Or install it as a pre-commit hook
pre-commit install
List threats, categories and details.
prefix pt: <>
select distinct * where {
?t a pt:Threat;
rdfs:label ?l ;
rdfs:subClassOf ?th .
?th rdfs:label ?thl .
?td rdfs:subClassOf ?t ;
rdfs:label ?tdl .
} LIMIT 1000
List SAMM types and details.
prefix dct: <>
prefix rdfs: <>
select distinct * where {
_:b a <>;
rdfs:label ?name ;
dct:description ?description
List Practices and related Functions
PREFIX dct: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX samm: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?function, ?practice, ?practice_description
_:b1 a samm:Practice;
rdfs:label ?practice ;
dct:description ?practice_description ;
samm:hasFunction [
rdfs:label ?function
} ORDER BY (?function) LIMIT 1000
Practices containing the word metric
PREFIX dct: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX samm: <>
?s a samm:Practice ;
rdfs:label ?practice ;
rdfs:comment ?comment
. ?comment bif:contains " 'metric*' "
Identify transitive relationship between Streams and Functions
PREFIX dct: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX samm:
SELECT DISTINCT ?stype, ?ftype where {
?s a samm:BusinessFunction; a ?stype . ?f (<>|!<>)* ?s; a ?ftype . FILTER(STRSTARTS(STR(?ftype), "")) }