- Copy "recaptcha" folder to your project/modules folder.
- Copy folder modules/recaptcha/config/captcha to application/config.
- Enable this module in application/config/config.php.
* Additional resource paths, or "modules". Each path can either be absolute
* or relative to the docroot. Modules can include any resource that can exist
* in your application directory, configuration files, controllers, views, etc.
$config['modules'] = array
Get siteKey and privateKey keys on Google reCAPTCHA and change config file application/config/captcha/recaptcha.php
* Options:
* theme - reCaptcha theme, e.g. dark, light
* type - reCaptcha type, e.g. audio, image
* size - reCaptcha size, e.g. compact, normal
* siteKey - reCaptcha sitekey for html (see more on https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/display)
* privateKey - reCaptcha secretkey for verify (see more on https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/verify)
$config = array
'theme' => 'light',
'type' => 'image',
'size' => 'normal',
'siteKey' => '',
'privateKey' => ''
Configuration is done in the application/config/captcha.php file, if it's not there take the one from system/config and copy it to the application folder.
$config['default'] = array
'style' => 'recaptcha',
'promote' => FALSE,
//you can override option from application/config/captcha/recaptcha.php
'theme' => 'dark',
'type' => 'image',
'size' => 'normal',
//also you can change/override standart recaptcha field name from "g-recaptcha-response"
'field' => 'code',
The code below demonstrates how to use captcha on a form. In your controller:
class Example_Controller extends Controller
public function index()
$this-> Captcha = Captcha::instance();
if (empty($_POST))
$this-> Form = Validation::factory($_POST);
$this-> Form-> pre_filter('trim');
$this-> Form-> add_rules('g-recaptcha-response', 'required', 'Captcha::valid');
# or
#$this-> Form-> add_rules('code', 'required', 'Captcha::valid');
if (!$this-> Form-> validate())
print_r($this-> Form-> errors('errors'));
- Copy "extcache" folder to your project/modules folder.
- Copy folder modules/extcache/config/cache to application/config/cache.
- Enable this module in application/config/config.php
* Additional resource paths, or "modules". Each path can either be absolute
* or relative to the docroot. Modules can include any resource that can exist
* in your application directory, configuration files, controllers, views, etc.
$config['modules'] = array
This module provides several cache drivers:
- Memcached (need install php-memcached extension). Config application/config/cache/memcached.php.
- Igbinaryfile (need install php-igbinary)
- Jsonfile
- Msgpackfile (need install php-msgpack)
- PHP (some reasons some times need for developers)