Easy Heartbeat service based on AWS Lambda & DynamoDB
For server see: https://github.com/parcelLab/aws-heartbeat-server
Sends a heartbeat to the aws-heartbeat-server, which you have to set up before.
Install directly from Github using npm i parcelLab/aws-heartbeat-client --save
const Heartbeat = require('aws-heartbeat-client');
const baseUrl = 'https://www.your/api/baseUrl';
const pulse = 60; // pulse interval in sec - heartbeat max once per pulse interval
const heartbeat = new Heartbeat(baseUrl, pulse);
will send a requst to https://www.your/api/baseUrl/pulse?host=upload&category=ABC&type=XYZ&name=1234
. Hence, you need to know your base url. The base URL is simply the URL you installed your aws-heartbeat-server to.
That upserts (updates, or creates if it didn't exist before) an entry in DynamoDB with the query parameters and a timestamp. There are two ways of using that function:
// without callback (fire & forget)
heartbeat.pulse(host, category, type, name);
// with callback (to check success)
heartbeat.pulse(host, category, type, name, function (err, res) {
if (err) console.error(err);
else console.log('Heartbeat sent');
The other parameters used in a pulse
are simply for layers of categories to specify the heartbeat you just sent.
var host = 'i.e. IP or hostname';
var category = 'what kind of heartbeat';
var type = 'what kind of workload';
var name = 'conrete instance of workload';