A multiple client Chat application using Socket Programming in C. It uses concept of multithreading in C using pthread library to handle multiple clients. The server and multiple client processes can run on same or different machines. Clients can connect to server, choose a client from free clients list to chat with and send messages to that client. Messages are end-to-end encrypted using a simple algorithm for generating public key,private key pair.
C programming, Socket programming, Multithreading in C using pthread Library, E2EE
To compile server.c and client.c
gcc server.c -o server -lpthread
gcc client.c -o client -lpthread
To start server, PORT number is to be given as argument(ex. 9999)
./server PORT_NUMBER
To execute the client process, the IP address and PORT number of server is to be passed as command line argument.
- Choose a username of your choice
- Choose a client to chat with in the list of free clients.
- Now chat with that client
- Type exit to exit chat with client