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Analysis of polysome profile experiments on B-cells.

1. Biological experiment outline:


  • Triplicates (2x15cm dishes = 30 milion cells per replicate), splited 5 days before 1:2
  • Starved for 24 hours at 0.5 mM glucose, then 0.5 hours at 20 mM for HIGH glucose while 0.5 mM for LOW glucose

FRACTION selection for sequencing

Polysome profiling 13 fractions divided in:

  • Monosomes: 5-6
  • Light polysomes: 7-9
  • Heavy polysomes: 10-13
  • Total RNA for each replicate

2. Sequencing Analysis (Shell commands and scripts)

Raw_reads Monosomes Light Poly Heavy Poly
Low_glucose rep1 10814918 9745454 12051978
Low_glucose rep2 10578664 13997704 9749807
Low_glucose rep3 13326344 11453671 7871513
High_glucose rep1 12416163 10723806 8476376
High_glucose rep2 10948574 11572776 8985906
High_glucose rep3 10855263 8762845 13196915

  • Mapping: STAR 2.5.4b; parameters: --outFilterMultimapNmax 20 --outSAMprimaryFlag AllBestScore --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate --quantMode TranscriptomeSAM GeneCounts --outStd Log --seedSearchStartLmaxOverLread 0.5 --winAnchorMultimapNmax 36 --outFilterScoreMinOverLread 0.5 --outFilterMatchNminOverLread 0.5
Unique mapped Monosomes Light Poly Heavy Poly Total RNA
Low_glucose rep1 61.24% 75.83% 74.58% 79.24%
Low_glucose rep2 56.84% 76.06% 74.69% 78.81%
Low_glucose rep3 50.12% 68.52% 73.96% 77.56%
High_glucose rep1 60.37% 73.56% 73.78% 78.71%
High_glucose rep2 58.57% 69.51% 80.24% 79.24%
High_glucose rep3 64.97% 68.10% 77.64% 78.40%
  • TPM quantification: RSEM (used) and STRINGTIE (just tried)

  • Filtering of the files for protein coding genes

3. Statistical analysis


R code to performe all the downstream analysis starting from the read counts and/or the TPM tables after the RNA-seq analysis.

The script is performing the following families of analysis.

  1. Differential analysis using Limma.
  2. Quality control using R PCA packages (and for visualisation).
  3. Enrichment analysis using clusterProfiler. 4 Cluster analysis using various R clustering methods (hierarchical, k-means, mclust).

Gene ontology Analysis


4. RNA features analysis (Python script)

The RNA features extraction software can be found at the following GitHub repository: RNA_Features_Extraction


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