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Releases: parse-community/Parse-SDK-JS


25 Jan 18:15
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Full release of 1.7.0. Includes the changes from the RC, plus an additional fix for relations.

New and modified APIs:

  • Parse.Object.revert() removes any unsaved changes from an object
  • Parse.Promise supports ES6-style construction (new Parse.Promise((resolve, reject) => { ... }))
  • Parse.Promise.when() is resolved with arguments that match its own arguments. If the conditions are passed as an argument list, they are resolved as an argument list; if the conditions are passed as an array, they are resolved as an array.

Behavior changes:

  • Parse.Promise is A+ Compliant by default
  • Avoid memory leaks when single instance mode is disabled
  • Under the hood, ObjectState has been replaced with interchangeable controller implementations: SingleInstanceStateController and UniqueInstanceStateController. Other compatible implementations can be swapped in at runtime.
  • Applies the correct class name to the results of unfetched relations

v1.7.0 RC1

13 Jan 04:21
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v1.7.0 RC1 Pre-release

Pre-release version of 1.7.0, available on npm as 1.7.0-rc1

New and modified APIs:

  • Parse.Object.revert() removes any unsaved changes from an object
  • Parse.Promise supports ES6-style construction (new Parse.Promise((resolve, reject) => { ... }))
  • Parse.Promise.when() is resolved with arguments that match its own arguments. If the conditions are passed as an argument list, they are resolved as an argument list; if the conditions are passed as an array, they are resolved as an array.

Behavior changes:

  • Parse.Promise is A+ Compliant by default
  • Avoid memory leaks when single instance mode is disabled
  • Under the hood, ObjectState has been replaced with interchangeable controller implementations: SingleInstanceStateController and UniqueInstanceStateController. Other compatible implementations can be swapped in at runtime.


05 Jan 19:06
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  • Catch quota exceptions on Safari Private Browsing, so that the SDK does not break
  • Fix non-inherited static methods in IE10
  • Avoid exceptions when encountering unsaved objects in dirty mutable containers
  • Fix an inheritance issue with ParseObject.prototype.clone()
  • Move legacy initialization to the top of the ParseObject constructor
  • Avoid a potential "resolved after rejected" error in IE9
  • Use stored server url's path for batch requests


23 Dec 19:46
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No changes, other than fixing an npm problem due to a network issue during publishing.


17 Dec 19:11
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  • Fix a case where ACLs set in beforeSave calls would become null on the client
  • Ensure that query results do not override the className of returned objects for rare cases when it is provided by the server


16 Dec 23:00
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  • Fixed a false detection of a Promise in
  • Modified FacebookUtils to work better with React Native
  • CoreManager.get('VERSION') now appends 'js' to the package.json version
  • RestController no longer automatically prepends '/1/' to SDK paths


10 Nov 22:43
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Included changes:

  • Fixed a case where a failed save would later require a successful save before later changes were sent to the server.
  • Adds an option to ignore validation when creating an object or setting attributes
  • Calling logOut is only resolved after the AJAX request completes, not after the disk entry is deleted.


29 Oct 23:03
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  • Fixes object encoding for deeply-nested objects
  • Strips anonymous authData when a username is set (only useful for Cloud Code)
  • Exposes Parse.Promise.enableAPlusCompliant() and Parse.Promise.disableAPlusCompliant(), to make the exception handling follow the A+ spec.
  • Retries on connection failure in Node.js, and returns human-friendly errors when this fails.
  • Allow custom session tokens to be used when calling cloud functions


14 Oct 18:57
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Continuation of v1.6.6 fixes. This ensures that nested objects returned from cloud code properly encode their createdAt / updatedAt fields.


13 Oct 22:54
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Modifies a previous bugfix that led Cloud Code to only return pointers. With v1.6.6, the SDK properly encodes cycles while still including any .include()-ed objects.