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Releases: parse-community/Parse-SDK-JS


13 Oct 22:52
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Bug fixes:

  • Make sure objects inflated from fromJSON() are marked as previously existing
  • Properly decode ACL fields when inflating JSON objects
  • Querying for 'User' objects obeys the global rewrite flag (when enabled, it rewrites 'User' to '_User'


28 Sep 22:41
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  • Fixed an issue with the return result of ParseRelation.add
  • Fixed a case where encoding Parse Objects could result in a stack overflow
  • Allow user login on server environments, without touching the current user
    • Also allow disabling current user once it had been enabled on server environments
    • Passing the user to Backbone-style callbacks on login failure
  • Fix a FB login error
  • Some general documentation cleanup

Build process:

  • Leveraging Babel plugin for injecting variables from package.json
  • Including and the compiled dist/ releases in the npm module