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A Strapi server for serving's and other services' data.

Running locally

To start run:

yarn install

and then:

yarn develop

Then you need to create an admin user by going to http://localhost:1337/admin (it probably opens automatically).

Create locales

Strapi keeps the used locales only in the database, so they have to be added manually. Go to http::localhost:1337/admin/settings/internationalization and add locales: fi, sv, sme and smn. Then make fi the default locale from it's advanced settings.


Anything pushed to the staging branch is automatically deployed to the test environment. When ready to deploy to production create a PR from staging to main and Github actions will deploy to the production environment.


Content can be migrated from pof-api-v1 by using the script migrations/run.js.


The migration script needs a configuration file migrations/data/config.json, which should look like this:

  "strapiUrl": "http://localhost:1337", // The url of the target Strapi server
  "strapiAdminToken": "..." // A jwt token for an admin user for that Strapi server

You can get the jwt for your local admin user by making a POST request to http://localhost:1337/admin/login with following data:

	"email": "<your admin user's email>",
	"password": "<your admin user's password>"

The answer contains the jwt in the field data.token.

If you don't care about the migrations nuances, and just want to get some data into your Strapi, skip to here


Migration is split into two phases: fetching the data from the old system & writing the data to the new system.

NOTE: When running migrations, you should run Strapi with command yarn start and NOT with yarn develop, because in development mode the server is restarted on file changes, which our migration makes, and it messes up things.


The fetching phase reads the program data from the endpoint: and then also from many other endpoints in the same api, that are in the initial data. The initial endpoint can be changed with parameter -d (--dataUrl).

The the old api's responses are cached by default, so that subsequent runs don't hit the api. This is done because the old api is fairly slow, and we don't want the development to be slow. Caching can be disabled with option -n (--noCache), which will disable the use of the cached data, but still keeps writing it so we can use the new responses later if needed. The cached data is written in file migrations/data/data_cache.json.

After the data is fetched, it is written to disk in a form that is easily used by the writing phase. The data is saved in file migrations/data/program_data.json, and if you don't want to fetch the data yourself, you can ask for the file from a colleague.


The writing phase reads the data file created by the fetching phase (migrations/data/program_data.json), and writes it to Strapi via it's REST-api. By default only new entries are written, and existing ones are skipped. To write everything, add the parameter -u (--forceUpdate).


You can run one or both of those phases by giving these arguments to the script:

  • -f (--fetch) for fetching
  • -w (--write) for writing

So if you want to fetch the data, run:

node migration/run.js -f

And if you want to write the already fetched data, run:

node migrations/run.js -w

And if you want to run both of those, run:

node migrations/run.js -fw

And if you want to update everything, run:

node migrations/run.js -wu

Adding data for testing/development

A small amount of content can be added via the migration script by giving it the argument -t (--test). This will only write the first Age Group's data to Strapi. To get things going fast, ask for an existing data file from a colleague and put it to migrations/data/program_data.json, and then run command:

node migrations/run.js -wt

Email plugin

Our Strapi uses Sendgrid to send emails, and it is done by using strapi-provider-email-sendgrid package. The package needs three environment variables: SENDGRID_API_KEY, SENDGRID_DEFAULT_FROM_ADDRESS and SENDGRID_DEFAULT_REPLY_TO_ADDRESS, and values fro those can be gotten from the client, who owns the Sendgrid account.

Indexing content to Algolia

Content is indexed to Algolia search engine by using hook strapi-hook-algolia. Indexable content types are specified by setting up indexing in their lifecycle events, in file api/<content type>/models/<content type>.js. strapi-hook-algolia needs also two environment variables: ALGOLIA_APPLICATION_ID and ALGOLIA_API_KEY and they can be gotten from the Algolia Console. With these configurations content is indexed automatically when needed.

Content can also be indexed in bulk with created plugin search-indexer, which is described here.

Algolia's settings are saved in /algolia-settings/settings.js. If you modify the settings from Algolia's web console and want to save them here, just export the index's configuration and update it to the settings file to indexes/<index name>. You can run the settings to algolia with the utility algolia-settings/set-settings.js, which takes the application id and admin token as parameters, like this:

node algolia-settings/set-settings.js <application id> <admin token>


Since Strapi is missing Sámi locales (for now), they are added via a patch file patches/strapi-plugin-i18n+3.6.1.patch, which is automatically run after yarn install and such.

Another patch: patches/strapi-middleware-cache+1.5.0.patch is for fixing a bug in that package. There is an issue about it already in GitHub.


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