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Change: major
Change: major
[Issue / PR] describes a breaking change of any kind
Change: minor
Change: minor
[Issue / PR] describes a non-breaking change, such as adding a new functionality
Change: patch
Change: patch
[Issue / PR] describes a small non-breaking change, such as bugfix or an optimization
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Domain: main
Domain: main
[Issue / PR] describes change in the functionality, its optimization
Domain: meta
Domain: meta
[Issue / PR] describes change in the development process, documentation, maintenance etc.
good first issue
good first issue
[Issue] can be addressed by a first-time contributor
Pull requests that update Javascript code
Pending: blocked
Pending: blocked
[Issue / PR] cannot be addressed until another issue is resolved
Pending: unclear
Pending: unclear
[Issue] not yet fully defined
Priority: high
Priority: high
[Issue / PR] must be addressed as soon as possible
Priority: low
Priority: low
[Issue / PR] could be addressed at any convenient time
Priority: medium
Priority: medium
[Issue / PR] should be addressed without delay
Priority: top
Priority: top
[Issue / PR] must be addressed right now
Rejected: by-design
Rejected: by-design
[Issue / PR] describes unindended changes in functionality
Rejected: impractical
Rejected: impractical
[Issue] exists, but its resolution brings zero to low benefit and/or does not worth the effort
Type: bug
Type: bug
[Issue / PR] addresses malfunction
Type: improvement
Type: improvement
[Issue / PR] addresses lack of a functionality or an open possibility of enhancement
Type: investigation
Type: investigation
[Issue / PR] addresses the need of gaining intel