- 👤 Name: Kairav Thakkar
- 🕸️ Location: Remote/Kepler 453B
- 💼 Job: Product Manager
- 🧠 Languages: English | Hindi | Gujarati | French
- Passionate about blockchain data analysis. Learning about Dune and Flipside Crypto
- Researching layer-1 and layer-2 solutions in blockchain technology.
- Maintaining blogs on Web3 and Generative AI.
- Reading 'The Cryptopians' by Laura Shin and 'Attack of the 50-foot blockchain' by David Gerard.
- Learning about Data Science and analytics through WorldQuant University Practical Bootcamp and eyeing the upcoming cohort of Msc in Financial Engineering.
- Vision is to build around digital assets and data
- Upskilling in data analysis, blockchain research, web3 data analysis, and AI engineering.
- Building custom dashboards and SQL Queries on Dune and Flipside
- Currently focused on improving my skills in Python and SQL.
- Planning to build SaaS applications and newsletters around blockchain, data, and artificial intelligence.