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gravatar-dotnet CI

A .NET library for interacting with the Gravatar API.


Install the library via NuGet:

dotnet add package gravatar-dotnet


Install optional library extensions for more functionality, depending on your use case.

Dependency Injection

Integrate gravatar-dotnet and your DI container of choice. Install the extension library via NuGet:

dotnet add package gravatar-dotnet-dependencyinjection

ASP.Net Core Additions

Integrate gravatar-dotnet and ASP.NET Core with Razor Tag Helpers for avatars and profile QR codes. Install the extension library via NuGet:

dotnet add package gravatar-dotnet-aspnetcore


  1. Obtain an API key from the Gravatar Developer Dashboard (requires a Gravatar account and developer application).
  2. Pass the API key into a new instance of the GravatarService class or use a configured HttpClient if advanced configuration (e.g., proxies) is required.
  3. Use the methods available on GravatarService to interact with the Gravatar API.


The library can be initialized in three ways:

Basic Initialization

Pass in your API key directly:

var gravatar = new GravatarService("YOUR_GRAVATAR_API_KEY");

Advanced Initialization

Use an existing HttpClient, ensuring that BaseAddress and an Authorization header have been set:

var httpClient = new HttpClient(
	new GravatarDelegatingHandler()
		InnerHandler = new HttpClientHandler()
	disposeHandler: true)
	BaseAddress = new Uri(""),
	Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)


var gravatar = new GravatarService(httpClient);

Dependency Injection

If you've installed the appropriate extension library.

  1. Register GravatarService with your dependency container:
services.AddGravatarHttpClient(options =>
	options.BaseUrl = new Uri("");
	options.ApiKey = "YOUR_GRAVATAR_API_KEY";
  1. Inject IGravatarService where needed:
public class MyClass
    private readonly IGravatarService gravatar;

    public MyClass(IGravatarService gravatar)
        this.gravatar = gravatar;

Getting an Avatar URL

You can construct a valid Gravatar Avatar URL as follows:

var gravatarAvatarUrl =
		size: 64,
		defaultValue: GravatarAvatarDefault.Identicon,
		forceDefaultValue: false,
		rating: GravatarAvatarRating.G,
		withFileExtension: false)

To retrieve the avatar image, make a HTTP GET request to the URL that is returned.

Getting a Profile

var gravatarProfile =
    await gravatar.GetProfileAsync(

Getting a Profile QR Code URL

You can construct a valid Gravatar Profile QR Code URL as follows:

var gravatarProfileQRCodeUrl =
		size: 256,
		type: GravatarProfileQRCodeType.Logo,
		version: GravatarProfileQRCodeVersion.Modern)

To retrieve the profile QR code image, make a HTTP GET request to the URL that is returned.

Using Tag Helpers

If you've installed the appropriate extension library, add the following to your _ViewImport.cshtml:

@addTagHelper *, Gravatar.Extensions.AspNetCore

To automatically construct the src URL for an img tag from a Gravatar Avatar URL, use gravatar-avatar and the various gravatar-* attributes supplied.

<img gravatar-avatar
     ... />

To automatically construct the src URL for an img tag from a Gravatar Profile QR Code URL, use gravatar-profile-qrcode and the various gravatar-* attributes supplied.

<img gravatar-profile-qrcode
     ... />


Refer to the Usage section above for a quick start, or consult the inline documentation while working in your IDE. For detailed information about the underlying API endpoints, parameters, and expected responses, refer to the official Gravatar API documentation.


Contributions are welcome! To contribute, fork the repository, create a new branch, and submit a pull request with your changes. Please make sure all tests pass before submitting.


This project is licensed under the MIT license. See license.txt for full details.