install rpm dev tools
sudo dnf groupinstall "RPM Development Tools"
Generate a spec file
rpmdev-newspec gorpm.spec
Build the RPM
rpmbuild -ba rpm/gorpm.spec
sudo dnf install ./dist/RPMS/x86_64/gorpm-1.0-1.fc34.x86_64.rpm sudo systemctl start gorpm curl -L http://localhost:8081
using go-msi package
- install go-msi and wix
choco install go-msi
choco install wixtoolset
add wix to your PATH variable
create a wix.json file like this one
Apply guids to the wix.json file with
go-msi set-guid
add a wix templates folder like this one
build your code
go build -o dist/build/gomsi.exe ./src/
finally run
go-msi make --msi dist/msi/gomsi.msi --version 1.0.0 -s ./wix-templates/