Faster CLI tool for Angular
The CLI has dependencies that require Node 10.0.0 or higher, together with NPM 6.0.0 or higher.
- Features
- Roadmap
- Installation
- Usage
- Updating Fusing Angular CLI
- Developing Fusing Angular CLI
- License
- Designed for use with Angular Universal (server rendered)
- Designed for use with SCSS
- Jest test runner and code coverage
- Lazy Loaded modules
- Route, Component, Directive, and Service generators
- Fully optimized production builds (brotli: ~125 kb, gzip: ~150 kb)
- Easy favicon generator
- Check code quality with built in Linter
- Visual Studio Code integration
- Circle CI support
- UI integrations (Material, Bootstrap, and Bulma)
You can learn more about what we aim to achieve by reading our roadmap
npm install -g fusing-angular-cli
fng help
fng update
npm i -g fusing-angular-cli@latest
# to run local CLI
$ npm start
# to run local CLI w/ continuous testing
$ npm run
# issuing CLI commands to local build
$ .build/fng [some commands go here]
# test your code
npm test