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CRBasic program for GHG analyzer logger used during BioFiltro study summer 2022


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BioFiltro Flux Measurements Logger

Program for obtaining meteorological and greenhouse gas (GHG) data from the sensors listed in the table below using a CR1000 datalogger. Data can be monitored in real-time using the LoggerLink app on a phone or tablet while connected to the trailer's wireless local area network. A user-controlled processing flag allows for automatic data reduction of measurements made during a sampling run. Raw measurements are also stored in separate data tables to permit in-depth analysis.

Specific instruments include:



Connect trailer power cords to appropriate power sources:

Cord type Circuit Min. breaker size
Orange, parallel blade plug #1, for analyzers 15A
Black, T-blade plug #2, for air conditioner 20A

Air conditioner

Turn on the A/C to Cool mode and set temperature to room temp (72°C or cooler).

Gas analyzers

Refer to manufacturer user guides for complete setup details. Be sure to:

  1. Turn on the uninterruptible power supply (hold the power button for 3-5 seconds) before turning on the two trace gas analyzers.
  2. Verify connections for sampling plumbing before plugging in the flushing pump (see diagram below).
  3. Verify serial data cables are connected to analyzers.
  4. Verify analyzers are configured as described in Configuration section.

Plumbing diagram

Weather station & PAR sensor

The weather station and PAR sensor are mounted on the side of the trailer. Once the trailer is positioned, remove protective covers items and verify sensors are correctly deployed so that:

  • the weather station is approximately level,
  • the weather station is pointing northward (to avoid shading the PAR sensor), and
  • the PAR sensor is also level

If the weather station is not oriented exactly to geographic (True) north, the actual azimuth should be updated in the logger program. See the Operations section.

A short step ladder may be required to level the PAR sensor. Refer to the sensor user manual for mounting plate leveling instructions.


Turn on the battery-backed power supply in the datalogger enclosure to enable the logger (also the weather station and datacom equipment).

Power supply switch location

Review and update the following program constants before the start of sampling. They can be modified using the handheld keyboard display, or by updating the public Constants table named "Constants" and triggering a restart.

  • UTC_OFFSET - time offset relative to UTC, in hours (default: -8 = Pacific Standard Time)
  • PAR_MULT - unique sensor-specific calibration value, in µmol/(mV s m2) (default: -197.63)

The following program variable must also be updated when the weather station is installed and anytime it's adjusted. The variable can be updated by changing itsvalue in the data table named "Public". Changes go into effect immediately without any program restarts.

  • WXT_AZIMUTH - orientation of the weather station w.r.t. True North, in degrees (default: 0 = True North)



The no-cost mobile app LoggerLink is the recommended datalogger interface. Connect to the trailer's wireless network and use the search feature, or use the following setup details to create a new connection manually:

  • Address:
  • Port: 6785 (default)
  • Type: CR1000
  • Pakbus Address: 1 (default)
  • Security code: update to match logger configuration

Note if the security code does not match the logger, data may still be viewable but public variables will not be editable and therefore triggering sample runs will not be allowed.

Screenshot of LoggerLink setup

Alternatively, a handheld keyboard display (CR1000KD; Campbell Scientific) can be used instead. The main disadvantages of the keyboard display are (1) lack of interactive data plotting, and (2) being physically constrained by the display's cable length.


It is also recommended to have VNC Viewer or other VNC-compatible client for remotely viewing and controlling the two trace gas analyzers. Launch the client and create a new connection for each one:

Device IP Address Port Password†
N2O/CO analyzer 5900 lgrvnc
CH4/CO2 analyzer 5900 lgrvnc

†If the default doesn't work, check the notes in the device user manual.

VNC Viewer connected to N2O/CO analyzer

VNC Viewer connected to CH4/CO2 analyzer

Real-time Monitoring

The recommended method for viewing individual data values is the Current interface of LoggerLink.

  1. Open settings (gear icon)
  2. Select a data table
    • Choose biofiltro_1hz for unprocessed (raw) data from the trace gas analyzers
    • Choose biofiltro_wxt for unprocessed (raw) data from the weather station
    • Choose biofiltro_1min for 1-min averages of weather station, PAR sensor, and temperature data
    • Choose biofiltro_runs for data saved from the last sampling run
    • Choose Public for the most recent values of run duration, internal datalogger temperature, and temperature of air coming from the AC unit
  3. Select relevant fields, as desired.

Public table via LoggerLink Current screen

Real-time GHG data via LoggerLink Current screen

Real-time Plotting

The recommended method for plotting data is the Historical interface of LoggerLink.

  1. Select up to several individual fields from a single data table
  2. Specify the data range (from minutes up to weeks)
  3. Optionally configure display formatting for individual fields:
    • Left or right axis
    • Display as line, points, or line + points
    • Set line width / color / styling
    • Set point size / color / shape

Plotting temperature data via LoggerLink Historical screen

Plotting N2O/CO data via LoggerLink Historical screen

Plotting CH4/CO2 data via LoggerLink Historical screen

Triggering Sample Runs

Users can capture and reduce data over a particular time window using the public field run_flag. When that field is set to True, a new output interval is created and measurements are included for intermediate processing. When the run_flag field is reset to False, final processing occurs and a new record is stored in data table "biofiltro_runs".

  • To begin a sample run, change the public field run_flag to True.
  • To end a sample run and compute run statistics, change the public field run_flag to False.

The public field run_flag can be easily modified using the Current screen of the LoggerLink app...

  1. Ensure the "Public" table is selected and all fields are shown.
  2. Press and hold the run_flag field.
  3. In the resulting Change Value dialog, update the value and press [OK] to save changes.
    • To begin a run, set the value to True
    • To end the run, set the value to False

...or with a local keyboard display:

  1. Press any key to wake up the keyboard display.
  2. Verify the cursor selection is "Run flag".
  3. Press [Enter] to modify the current value.
  4. Select the desired value and press [Enter] to save changes.
    • To begin a run, set the value to True
    • To end the run, set the value to False

Data Products

Table Summary

Table name Record interval Storage capacity Description
biofiltro_runs user-defined 100 records User-triggered aggregates of GHG and meteorological measurements, for final data analysis.
biofiltro_1hz 1 second 14 days Raw measurements from Los Gatos Research analyzers, for real-time data monitoring and quality control.
biofiltro_1min 1 minute 14 days 1-min aggregates of meteorological and instrument temperature measurements, for real-time data monitoring.
biofiltro_gps 1 minute 14 days Raw measurements from GPS receiver, for quality control.
biofiltro_wxt 5 seconds 14 days Raw measurements from weather station, for quality control.

All tables are configured in Ring memory mode such that upon reaching capacity, newly generated records will overwrite the oldest records in storage.


Statistical summary of data captured during a user-triggered run events. Duration of each data record is reported in field run_duration. Up to 100 events are stored before old data is overwritten.

Field name Units Instruction Description
TIMESTAMP TS - Machine-formatted timestamp (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)1
RECORD RN - Sequential record number
UTC_OFFSET hours Average Clock timezone offset relative to UTC2
run_duration seconds Sample Duration of sample run
lgr_CO_Avg ppb Average Mean mixing ratio of carbon monoxide
lgr_CO_Std ppb StdDev Standard deviation of mixing ratio of carbon monoxide
lgr_N2O_Avg ppb Average Mean mixing ratio of nitrous oxide
lgr_N2O_Std ppb StdDev Standard deviation of mixing ratio of nitrous oxide
lgr_H2O_Avg ppm Average Mean mixing ratio of water vapor
lgr_H2O_Std ppm StdDev Standard deviation of mixing ratio of water vapor
lgr_CO_dry_Avg ppb (dry) Average Mean mixing ratio (dry) of carbon monoxide
lgr_CO_dry_Std ppb (dry) StdDev Standard deviation of mixing ratio (dry) of carbon monoxide
lgr_N2O_dry_Avg ppb (dry) Average Mean mixing ratio (dry) of nitrous oxide
lgr_N2O_dry_Std ppb (dry) StdDev Standard deviation of mixing ratio (dry) of nitrous oxide
lgr_cell_P_Avg Torr Average Mean sample cell pressure of LGR N2O/CO analyzer
lgr_cell_P_Std Torr StdDev Standard deviation of sample cell pressure of LGR N2O/CO analyzer
lgr_cell_T_Avg degC Average Mean sample cell temperature of LGR N2O/CO analyzer
lgr_cell_T_Std degC StdDev Standard deviation of sample cell temperature of LGR N2O/CO analyzer
lgr_self_T_Avg degC Average Mean internal temperature of LGR N2O/CO analyzer
lgr_self_T_Std degC StdDev Standard deviation of internal temperature of LGR N2O/CO analyzer
ugga_CH4_Avg ppm Average Mean mixing ratio of methane
ugga_CH4_Std ppm StdDev Standard deviation of mixing ratio of methane
ugga_CO2_Avg ppm Average Mean mixing ratio of carbon dioxide
ugga_CO2_Std ppm StdDev Standard deviation of mixing ratio of carbon dioxide
ugga_H2O_Avg ppm Average Mean mixing ratio of water vapor
ugga_H2O_Std ppm StdDev Standard deviation of mixing ratio of water vapor
ugga_CH4_dry_Avg ppm (dry) Average Mean mixing ratio (dry) of methane
ugga_CH4_dry_Std ppm (dry) StdDev Standard deviation of mixing ratio (dry) of methane
ugga_CO2_dry_Avg ppm (dry) Average Mean mixing ratio (dry) of carbon dioxide
ugga_CO2_dry_Std ppm (dry) StdDev Standard deviation of mixing ratio (dry) of carbon dioxide
ugga_cell_P_Avg Torr Average Mean sample cell pressure of LGR CH4/CO2 analyzer
ugga_cell_P_Std Torr StdDev Standard deviation of sample cell pressure of LGR CH4/CO2 analyzer
ugga_cell_T_Avg degC Average Mean sample cell temperature of LGR CH4/CO2 analyzer
ugga_cell_T_Std degC StdDev Standard deviation of sample cell temperature of LGR CH4/CO2 analyzer
ugga_self_T_Avg degC Average Mean internal temperature of LGR CH4/CO2 analyzer
ugga_self_T_Std degC StdDev Standard deviation of internal temperature of LGR CH4/CO2 analyzer
WindSpeed_Avg m/s WindVector Mean horizontal wind speed
WindDir_vector_Avg degrees WindVector Unit vector mean wind direction
WindDir_Std degrees WindVector Standard deviation of wind direction (Yamartino algorithm)3
WXT_AZIMUTH_Avg degrees Average Orientation (azimuth) of weather station relative to True North4
Tmpr_Avg degC Average Mean ambient air temperature
RH_Avg percent Average Mean ambient relative humidity
Press_Avg hPa Average Mean barometric pressure
Press_Std hPa StdDev Standard deviation of barometric pressure
Rain_amt_Tot mm Totalize Total rain accumulation
Hail_amt_Tot hits/cm^2 Totalize Total hail accumulation
HeaterTmpr_Avg degC Average Mean weather station heater element temperature
HeaterVolts_Avg Vdc Average Mean weather station heater power source5
PAR_density_Avg umol/(s m^2) Average Mean photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), approximately6
PAR_density_Std umol/(s m^2) StdDev Standard deviation of photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), approximately6
PAR_MULT_Avg umol/(mV s m^2) Average Calibration factor for PAR sensor7
LoggerTmpr_Avg degC Average Mean internal temperature of datalogger
AC_Tmpr_Avg degC Average Mean temperature of air coming from AC unit


  1. Timestamp marks end-of-intervals. To calculate run start time, subtract run_duration from TIMESTAMP.
  2. Corresponds to user-defined constant UTC_OFFSET. A non-integer value indicates value was modified during the record interval.
  3. "This option complies with EPA guidelines for use with straight-line Gaussian dispersion models to model plume transport." [CRBasic Program Reference, version CR1000.Std.32.05]
  4. Stored wind directions include this constant offset value; it's computed as an average and stored separately here for data quality purposes (e.g. to identify if/when azimuth value was changed).
  5. Available, not applied, heating voltage. Refer to WXT510 user manual for heater operation details.
  6. “Approximately” because the PAR sensor is over a decade past its recommended calibration interval. Value should be negative per manufacturer guidelines for usage with millivolt adapter module.
  7. The multiplier is calculated as an average to help identify if/when the value was updated.


Raw measurements from the Los Gatos Research trace gas analyzers.

Field name Units Instruction Description
TIMESTAMP TS - Machine-formatted timestamp (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)
RECORD RN - Sequential record number
lgr_CO ppb Sample Mixing ratio of carbon monoxide
lgr_N2O ppb Sample Mixing ratio of nitrous oxide
lgr_H2O ppm Sample Mixing ratio of water vapor
lgr_CO_dry ppb (dry) Sample Mixing ratio (dry) of carbon monoxide
lgr_N2O_dry ppb (dry) Sample Mixing ratio (dry) of carbon monoxide
lgr_cell_P Torr Sample Cell pressure of LGR N2O/CO analyzer
lgr_cell_T degC Sample Cell temperature of LGR N2O/CO analyzer
lgr_self_T degC Sample Internal temperature of LGR N2O/CO analyzer
ugga_CH4 ppm Sample Mixing ratio of methane
ugga_CO2 ppm Sample Mixing ratio of carbon dioxide
ugga_H2O ppm Sample Mixing ratio of water vapor
ugga_CH4_dry ppm (dry) Sample Mixing ratio (dry) of methane
ugga_CO2_dry ppm (dry) Sample Mixing ratio (dry) of carbon dioxide
ugga_cell_P Torr Sample Cell pressure of LGR CH4/CO2 analyzer
ugga_cell_T degC Sample Cell temperature of LGR CH4/CO2 analyzer
ugga_self_T degC Sample Internal temperature of LGR CH4/CO2 analyzer


Weather station, PAR sensor, and temperature data reduced to one-minute statistical values.

Field name Units Instruction Description
TIMESTAMP TS - Machine-formatted timestamp (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)
RECORD RN - Sequential record number
WindSpeed_Avg m/s WindVector Mean horizontal wind speed
WindDir_vector_Avg degrees WindVector Unit vector mean wind direction1
WindDir_Std degrees WindVector Standard deviation of wind direction (Yamartino algorithm)2
WXT_AZIMUTH_Avg degrees Average Orientation (azimuth) of weather station relative to True North3
Tmpr_Avg degC Average Mean ambient air temperature
RH_Avg percent Average Mean ambient relative humidity
Press_Avg hPa Average Mean barometric pressure
Rain_amt_Tot mm Totalize Total rain accumulation
Hail_amt_Tot hits/cm^2 Totalize Total hail accumulation
HeaterTmpr_Avg degC Average Mean weather station heater element temperature
HeaterVolts_Avg Vdc Average Mean weather station heater power source4
PAR_density_Avg umol/(s m^2) Average Mean photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), approximately5
PAR_MULT_Avg umol/(mV s m^2) Average Calibration factor for PAR sensor5
LoggerTmpr_Avg degC Average Mean internal temperature of datalogger
AC_Tmpr_Avg degC Average Mean temperature of air coming from AC unit
lgr_cell_T_Avg degC Average Mean temperature of sample cell in Los Gatos Research N2O/CO analyzer
lgr_self_T_Avg degC Average Mean internal temperature of Los Gatos Research N2O/CO analyzer
ugga_cell_T_Avg degC Average Mean temperature of sample cell in Los Gatos Research CH4/CO2 analyzer
ugga_self_T_Avg degC Average Mean internal temperature of Los Gatos Research CH4/CO2 analyzer


  1. Includes constant offset value WXT_AZIMUTH.
  2. "This option complies with EPA guidelines for use with straight-line Gaussian dispersion models to model plume transport." [CRBasic Program Reference, version CR1000.Std.32.05]
  3. Stored wind directions include this constant offset value; it's computed as an average and stored separately here for data quality purposes (e.g. to identify if/when azimuth value was changed).
  4. Available, not applied, heating voltage. Refer to WXT510 user manual for heater operation details.
  5. "Approximately" because the PAR sensor is over a decade past its recommended calibration interval. Value should be negative per manufacturer guidelines for usage with millivolt adapter module.
  6. The multiplier is calculated as an average to help identify if/when the value was updated.


Raw measurements from the GPS receiver.

Field name Units Instruction Description
TIMESTAMP TS - Machine-formatted timestamp (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)
RECORD RN - Sequential record number
UTC_OFFSET hours Sample Clock timezone offset relative to UTC1
latitude_a degrees Sample Degrees latitude (+ = North, - = South)
latitude_b minutes Sample Minutes latitude
longitude_a degrees Sample Degrees longitude (+ = North, - = South)
longitude_b minutes Sample Minutes longitude
speed m/s Sample Speed
course degrees Sample Course over ground
magnetic_variation degrees Sample Magnetic variation from True North (+ = East, - = West)
fix_quality arb Sample GPS fix quality: 0 = Invalid, 1 = GPS, 2 = Differential GPS, 6 = Estimated
nmbr_satellites count Sample Number of satellites used for fix
altitude m Sample Antenna altitude above Earth datum (WSG 84)
pps ms Sample Timing of pulse-per-second (PPS) rising edge, typically 990,000 once synced
dt_since_gprmc s Sample Time since last GPRMC string, normally less than 1 second
gps_ready arb Sample Counts from 0 to 10, with 10 = ready
max_clock_change ms Sample Maximum value the clock was changed in milliseconds
nmbr_clock_change samples Sample Number of times clock was changed


  1. Corresponds to user-defined constant UTC_OFFSET.


Raw measurements from the weather station.

Field name Units Instruction Description
TIMESTAMP TS - Machine-formatted timestamp (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)
RECORD RN - Sequential record number
WXT_AZIMUTH degrees Sample Orientation (azimuth) of weather station relative to True North
WindSpeed m/s Sample Horizontal wind speed
WindDir degrees Sample Horizontal wind direction1
Tmpr degC Sample Ambient air temperature
RH percent Sample Ambient relative humidity
Press hPa Sample Barometric pressure
Rain_amt mm Sample Rain accumulation
Hail_amt hits/cm^2 Sample Hail accumulation
HeaterTmpr degC Sample Heater element temperature
HeaterVolts Vdc Sample Heater power source2


  1. Stored wind direction data includes the constant offset value WXT_AZIMUTH.
  2. Available, not applied, heating voltage. Refer to WXT510 user manual for heater operation details.


Los Gatos Research N2O/CO/H2O analyzer

Connect the beige serial cable on the COM3 port of the datalogger to the serial data output port of the N2O/CO analyzer using a null modem RS-232 cable or standard cable and null modem adapter.

Description Color CR1000
serial transmit brown C5
serial receive white C6
serial ground yellow G
shield clear G

Los Gatos Research CH4/CO2/H2O analyzer

Connect the black serial cable on the COM2 port of the datalogger to the serial data output port of the CH4/CO2 analyzer using a null modem RS-232 cable or standard cable and null modem adapter.

Description Color CR1000
serial transmit brown C3
serial receive blue C4
serial ground green/yellow G


The data/power cable for the weather station typically stays connected. The table below is provided for reference and is specific to the data cable in the trailer.

Description Color M8 conn. pin CR1000
power input brown 2 12V
power ground green 8 G
cable shield bare - G
SDI-12 data Tx yellow 7 C7
SDI-12 data Rx black 1 C7
SDI-12 ground white 3 G
heater (+) blue 4 SW12†
heater (-) orange 6 G
not used red 5 -

†The datalogger disables the heater if input voltage is less than 12.6Vdc to prevent running heaters while on battery power. The WXT510 automatically engages the heater only at predetermined setpoints so it's fine to leave the heater voltage normally enabled.

QUANTUM (PAR) sensor

The QUANTUM (LI-190SA) sensor typically stays connected to the Model 2290 Millivolt Adapter (604Ω), which is wired to a differential analog voltage input channel of the logger. Note wiring is polarity-inverted per manufacturer guidance.

Description Color CR1000
Model 2290 Millivolt adapter, negative blue DF1 H
Model 2290 Millivolt adapter, positive green DF1 L
jumper to CR1000 DF 1L port green

GPS receiver

The GPS is hard-wired into serial data port COM1.

Warning: newer GPS receivers may not provide a usable PPS signal without special adapter hardware (see more info here).

Description Color CR1000
power input red 12V
power ground black G
power enable yellow G
pulse-per-second (PPS) grey C1
serial data transmit white C2
serial data receive blue


Los Gatos Research N2O/CO & CH4/CO2 analyzers

Modify both Los Gatos Research analyzers with the following configuration:

  • Sampling
    • Rate: 1 Hz
  • Serial port
    • Baud rate: 115200
    • Parity: None
    • Stop bits: 1
    • Delimiter (N2O/CO only): Comma
    • Rate = N (N2O/CO only): 1 (same as sampling frequency)

WXT510 weather station

Use Vaisala WXT Configuration Tool software to modify settings as follows:

  • Device Settings
    • Address: 0
    • Enable heating
    • SDI-12 v1.3, Continuous mode enabled
  • Message Settings
    • Wind: Direction average, Speed average
    • PTU: Barometric pressure, Air temperature and Relative humidity
    • Precip: Rain amount and Hail amount
    • Supervisor: Heating temp. and Heating voltage
  • Sensor Settings
    • Wind speed unit: m/s
    • Temperature unit: Celsius
    • Barometric pressure unit: hPa
    • Counter reset: Automatic
    • Precip unit: Metric
    • Auto report based on: Rain start/end
    • Direction correction: 0°
    • Averaging time for all sensors: 5 sec
    • Update interval for all sensors: 5 sec

CR1000 data logger

Default configuration values are sufficient, however, users may wish to confirm:

  • IP address assignment is either:
    • Set to (for DHCP assignment)
    • Set to the IP reservation described in modem configuration section below
  • Appropriate security settings are enabled

Raven RV50 cellular modem

The modem provides an internet connection and***** behaves as the router for the local area network (LAN). Use default network configuration and update security settings to comply with best practices and company guidelines.

(*) the modem presently doesn't have an active data plan, so there's no internet connection but it still serves the important role of DHCP server

Verify the modem issues DHCP IP addresses using the default range values:

  • LAN > Ethernet
    • Device IP:
    • IP Netmask:
    • DHCP Starting IP:
    • DHCP Ending IP:

Then assign DHCP reservations to ensure devices obtain the same IP address even if the network gets restarted:

Device IP reservation
Wireless radio
CR1000 logger

Picostation M2 wireless radio

The wireless radio provides an access point (AP) so phone or tablet users can connect to the trailer LAN. The wireless users obtain an IP address from the modem and appear on the same subnet as the logger, modem, etc.

  • Network
    • Network Mode: Bridge
    • Management IP Address: DHCP
    • DHCP Fallback:
  • Wireless
    • SSID: WSU Trailer 25012E
    • WPA2-PSK: field_research
    • Channel width: 20 MHz




CRBasic program for GHG analyzer logger used during BioFiltro study summer 2022





