What's Changed
- feat(update): Cherry pick missing v5 updates into main by @jeff-phillips-18 in #246
Full Changelog: v6.0.0...v6.0.1
What's Changed
- chore(ci-release): Update release config from alpha to prerelease by @wise-king-sullyman in #72
- chore: Fix mobx warnings in TaskNode by @jeff-phillips-18 in #74
- fix(componentFactory): Update component factory return type by @jeff-phillips-18 in #76
- doc: Fix link to model in getting started doc by @jeff-phillips-18 in #81
- fix(event): Update values before firing GRAPH_POSITION_CHANGE_EVENT by @jeff-phillips-18 in #80
- fix(event): Fix firing of GRAPH_LAYOUT_END_EVENT by @jeff-phillips-18 in #82
- chore(deps): Bump PatternFly deps to latest release candidates by @wise-king-sullyman in #83
- Update deprecated components by @jenny-s51 in #84
- Config updates to retire v5 by @jenny-s51 in #89
- fix: remove v5 branch from check-pr.yml by @jenny-s51 in #94
- chore(CI): Remove Typedoc build/release from v5 by @wise-king-sullyman in #103
- chore: remove dryRun from v5 by @jenny-s51 in #98
- Control bar docs updates by @jenny-s51 in #105
- chore: upgrade deprecated components in demo-app by @jenny-s51 in #93
- chore: prepare for q3 release by @nicolethoen in #112
- fix(window): remove the use of global and window by @jeff-phillips-18 in #111
- added property to set whether the outline is hull or rect by @leandroberetta in #114
- fix(build): prevent index.ts file from being copied into dist by @wise-king-sullyman in #119
- Logic for showing, scaling or hiding the tag on an edge depending on the details level of the graph by @leandroberetta in #123
- fix: reduce node details when at low scale by @jeff-phillips-18 in #125
- fix: bring node labels to top layer on hover by @karthikjeeyar in #129
- fix(controlbar): remove dependency on addons css by @jeff-phillips-18 in #138
- fix(mobx): Configure mobx to isolate state by @jeff-phillips-18 in #143
- feat(label): add support for top label position in groups by @karthikjeeyar in #141
- fix(lodash): Remove dependency on lodash by @jeff-phillips-18 in #144
- fix(collapse):Fix child positions on group expand by @jeff-phillips-18 in #149
- Fix(TaskNode): set nameLabelClass attribute by @jenny-s51 in #152
- feat(pipelines): Support top to bottom pipelines by @jeff-phillips-18 in #148
- chore(demo): Update demo to show a better example by @jeff-phillips-18 in #154
- feat(pipelines): Add pipeline groups layout by @jeff-phillips-18 in #157
- feat(pipelines): support terminal types by @jenny-s51 in #163
- chore(demo): fix for nested levels in package demo by @jeff-phillips-18 in #164
- feat(pipelines): add support for collapsible groups by @jenny-s51 in #162
- fix(layouts): remove unused var gridOptions by @jenny-s51 in #167
- fix(deps): Move @types/react from resolutions to devDeps by @wise-king-sullyman in #168
- chore(pf-issues): Updated code to put issues into Patternfly Issues projects by @dlabaj in #166
- fix(exports): export pipelineElementFactory and BasePipelineNode by @jeff-phillips-18 in #170
- feat(pipelines): Add ability to scale collapsed pipeline groups by @jeff-phillips-18 in #173
- feat(actions): Add PR previews by @jessiehuff in #161
- fix(types): Work around to fix issue with consumers recieving a type error. by @dlabaj in #174
- feat(DefaultTaskGroup): support status by @jenny-s51 in #176
- fix(packages): Update packages for pr previews by @jessiehuff in #177
- fix(pipelines): Handle collapsed groups better by @jeff-phillips-18 in #186
- feat(pipelines): Add ability and styling for selected task edges by @jeff-phillips-18 in #189
- fix(target arrow): Correctly determine incoming point for target connectors by @jeff-phillips-18 in #192
- chore(prettier): Apply prettier settings to lint by @jeff-phillips-18 in #202
- feat(ControlBar): Add expand/collapse all buttons by @jeff-phillips-18 in #203
- chore(panIntoView): Add demo of the panIntoView functionality on node selection by @jeff-phillips-18 in #209
- fix(DefaultNode): Correctly scale the node's label on hover when zoomed iyt by @jeff-phillips-18 in #212
- feat(pipelines): Add focus on newly expanded/collapsed groups by @jeff-phillips-18 in #210
- feat(pipelines): support customStatusIcon by @jenny-s51 in #215
- feat(group labels): Add ability to show group labels on hover by @jeff-phillips-18 in #214
- feat(dagre): Update dagre version to latest release by @jeff-phillips-18 in #219
- feat(group label): Add ability to center the group's label on the edge by @jeff-phillips-18 in #216
- feat(pipelines): add support for custom
by @jenny-s51 in #221 - fix(build): update to PF6 betas by @jenny-s51 in #228
- fix: another beta bump by @nicolethoen in #232
- fix: updated with latest pf v6 release candidate. by @dlabaj in #235
- chore(typo): Fix small typo in AbstractAnchor.ts by @lordrip in #239
- feat: Updated to PatternFly v6 by @dlabaj in #245
- feat(update): Cherry pick missing v5 updates into main by @jeff-phillips-18 in #246
New Contributors
- @nicolethoen made their first contribution in #112
- @leandroberetta made their first contribution in #114
Full Changelog: v5.5.0...v6.0.1