If you use this code, please cite:
doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2208.04242},
url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.04242},
author = {Harder, Paula},
title = {Abstract error analysis for Cahn--Hilliard type equations with dynamic boundary conditions},
publisher = {arXiv},
year = {2022}
This project are the implementations I did for my masterthesis. These implementations solve the Cahn-Hilliard equation with dynamic Cahn-Hilliard boundary conditions on a disk by using the finite element method for spatial discretization and the bdf3 method for time discretization. For details please read my thesis. You can contact me for questions: paulaharder@posteo.de
The directory /errorPlots/linearCase contains an implementation of solving a linear variant of the Cahn-Hilliard equation and generates error plots, to visualize the spatial convergence. To obtain the plot shown in my thesis just run the main_cahn_hilliard_linear.m file. This case needs about one hour to finish, if you want to have quicker results you need to decrease the variable number_of_grids
The directory /errorPlots/nonlinearCase contains an implementation of solving a linear variant of the Cahn-Hilliard equation and generates error plots, to visualize the spatial convergence. To obtain the plot shown in my thesis just run the main_cahn_hilliard_linear.m file. This case needs about one hour to finish, if you want to have quicker results you need to decrease the variable number_of_grids
The directory /evolutionPlot contains an implementation of solving a nonlinear variant of the Cahn-Hilliard equation and generates plots, to visualize the evolution of the solution in time. To obtain the plot shown in my thesis just run the main_evolution_plot.m file. This case needs about half an hour to finish, if you want to have quicker results you need to decrease the variable grid_number