This is the acompanying code for the Medium post "My first experience analysing at-home EEG using the MUSE headband data" [link]
The code here is based on the one available from MindMonitor but I have expanded it in the following ways:
I plot the mean and standard deviation of the absolute brainwaves to analyse better the patterns.
I calculate the relative brain waves at each time point using the description here and added some smoothing as well.
Also, I think it is very interesting to look at the changes in relative brain waves over different activities. I calculate the relative change in the last and final twenty seconds of each recording. Before that, I removed the first and last ten seconds to avoid artifacts when starting or pausing the recording as I was doing this myself.
The data here corresponds to the three different scenarios described in the post. Go to the runAll.m script to analyse them all :)