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Paul Comanici edited this page Jun 2, 2014 · 5 revisions

Video Preview (for use with YouTube™)

Video Preview (for use with YouTube™) helps you to determine if a video is what you are looking for by:

  • adding video rating below each video image;
  • when you mouse hover any video image you will see 3 thumbnails from that video.

For example you are searching for "michael jackson thriller" and you want to see official video not video from a concert, not a review, not someone making a cover or someone reviewing it. By putting your mouse hover each image you can see those thumbnails. Also using YouTube&trade rating you can see if that video has a lower rating, maybe it has a lower sound quality or users found that has some issues.

It's easy and convenient, can help you determine what you really want to watch and not having to click on multiple images (wait for video to load) until you find the video you are interested in.

How many times you got Rick Rolled ? Now you have the possibility to filter those videos.

Extension comes with an option page from where you can change:

  • rotation speed of video thumbnails -> by default is one second, but maybe you want to be 700 milliseconds, you can do that;
  • rating bar height displayed bellow video thumbnails -> by default is 4px, you can choose between 3px and 7px, you can select how you like it;
  • video rating toggle to enable/disable it -> maybe you don't want to see rating below each video, you can disable it;
  • extension icon visibility in address bar -> at this moment you may use a couple of extensions and you address bar is half full of this icons, now you can just hide extension icon and will continue to work, you will not have easy access to the option page, but you can free space in address bar;
  • when you hide icon from address bar you are asked if you are sure -> there is also an option for this so you can set to just hide the icon without any confirmation;

If you hide icon from address bar you can still go to the options page by going in browser menu then:

Tools > Extensions > Video Preview > Options

From version 2.0.0 all your extension settings will be synced across all your computers where you use Google Chrome and logged in with same username.

Extension requires some permissions, to read more more check extension permissions page.

If you found an issue please submit it.
For issues please read: New issue page

Do you want a new feature added?
I'm happy to hear about it. You just need to go to issues page check if that feature was already suggested, if yes add a comment to that issue if not create new issue.

Do you want to help?
That's great, please send me an email at darkyndy[at]gmail[dot]com and I will contact you.

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