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Stellar Snap

adds stellar to metamask, by creating a non-custodial wallet built directly into metamask

Standard Useage


calling this method will connect to metamask and automatically install the snap if it isn't already installed. As well as generate the users wallet. Calling this method or any subsequent methods does not requiring installing anything to a webpage, provided the the user has metamask (flask) installed.

const result = await ethereum.request({
        method: 'wallet_requestSnaps',
        params: {
          [`npm:stellar-snap`]: {}

calling methods

example method call

    const result = await ethereum.request({
        method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
        params: {`npm:stellar-snap`, request:{
            method: `${methodName}`,
              paramName: `${paramValue}`

specifying network

by default all methods are treated as mainnet, but any method can be issued to the testnet by using the testnet param.


    const result = await ethereum.request({
        method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
        params: {snapId:`npm:stellar-snap`, request:{
            method: `getBalance`,
              testnet: true

current Methods


returns the accounts address as a string

    const address = await ethereum.request({
        method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
        params: {snapId:`npm:stellar-snap`, request:{
            method: `getAddress`,


grabs infomation related to the account requires account to be funded

    const info = await ethereum.request({
        method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
        params: {snapId:`npm:stellar-snap`, request:{
            method: `getAccountInfo`,
                testnet?: true | false


gets the XLM balance of a wallet, returns 0 in unfunded wallets

    const balance = await ethereum.request({
        method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
        params: {snapId:`npm:stellar-snap`, request:{
            method: `getBalance`,
                testnet?: true | false


this method is used to transfer xlm and requires a funded account. after being called the wallet will generate a transaction, then prompt a user to accept if the user accepts the transaction it will be signed and broadcast to the network. will return transaction infomation. And send a notification stating whether the transaction was successful.

const transactionInfomation = await ethereum.request({
        method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
        params: {snapId:`npm:stellar-snap`, request:{
            method: `getBalance`,
                to: 'stellarAddress' //string
                amount: '1000.45' //string represention of amount xlm to send
                testnet?: true | false


this method funds the users wallet on the testnet

const success = await ethereum.request({
    method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
    params: {snapId:`npm:stellar-snap`, 
            method: 'fund'


This method signs an Arbitary Transaction

    async function signTransaction(){
      const transaction = new StellarSdk.TransactionBuilder(account, { fee, networkPassphrase: "Test SDF Network ; September 2015" });
      // Add a payment operation to the transaction
      console.log("transaction builder initilazed");
      await transaction.addOperation(StellarSdk.Operation.payment({
        destination: receiverPublicKey,
        // The term native asset refers to lumens
        asset: StellarSdk.Asset.native(),
        // Specify 350.1234567 lumens. Lumens are divisible to seven digits past
        // the decimal. They are represented in JS Stellar SDK in string format
        // to avoid errors from the use of the JavaScript Number data structure.
        amount: '350.1234567',
      console.log("operations added")
      // Make this transaction valid for the next 30 seconds only
      await transaction.setTimeout(30);
      console.log("timeout set");
      // Uncomment to add a memo (
      // .addMemo(StellarSdk.Memo.text('Hello world!'))
      const endTransaction = await;
      const xdrTransaction = endTransaction.toXDR();
      const response = await ethereum.request({
        method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
        params:{snapId:snapId, request:{
          method: 'signTransaction',
            transaction: xdrTransaction,
            testnet: testnet


The Wallet also supports sorroban, To sign a SorobanCall futurenet must be set to true on the params object.

    async function callContract() {
      console.log("here in callContract");
  const sourcePublicKey = await ethereum.request({
          method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
          params: {snapId:snapId, request:{
            method: 'getAddress',
  const server = new SorobanClient.Server('');

  console.log("getting account")
  const account = await server.getAccount(sourcePublicKey);
  console.log("account is: ")


  const contract = new SorobanClient.Contract("CCNLUNUY66TU4MB6JK4Y4EHVQTAO6KDWXDUSASQD2BBURMQT22H2CQU7")
  const arg = SorobanClient.nativeToScVal("world")
  console.log("arg is: ")
  let call_operation ='hello', arg);

  let transaction = new SorobanClient.TransactionBuilder(account, { fee: "150", networkPassphrase: SorobanClient.Networks.FUTURENET })
    .addOperation(call_operation) // <- funds and creates destinationA


    const preparedTransaction = await server.prepareTransaction(transaction, SorobanClient.Networks.FUTURENET);
    console.log("prepairedTxn: ");
    const tx_XDR = preparedTransaction.toXDR();
    const signedXDR = await ethereum.request(
      {method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
          params: {
              method: 'signTransaction',
                transaction: tx_XDR,
                futurenet: true
    const transactionResult = await server.sendTransaction(signedXDR);
    console.log(JSON.stringify(transactionResult, null, 2));
    console.log('\nSuccess! View the transaction at: ');
  } catch (e) {
    console.log('An error has occured:');

building from Source

foo@bar:~$ yarn

foo@bar:~$ npx mm-snap build

Build success: 'src\index.ts' bundled as 'dist\bundle.js'!
Eval Success: evaluated 'dist\bundle.js' in SES!

foo@bar:npx mm-snap serve

Starting server...
Server listening on: http://localhost:8080

and just like that you should be good to go.

Key Generation and Storeage

keys are generated on the fly, anytime a method is invoked. This works by requesting private entropy from the metamask wallet inside of the snaps secure execution enviroment, and using that entropy to generate a users keys. This entropy is static, and based on the users ethereum account. This means that we at no point store keys, and the fissile material is handled by metamask.

Account Recovery

Because keys are handled in this way, when a user recovers their metamask account, they will also recover their stellar account, which means that there isn't another mnemonic to save.


This repository demonstrates how to develop a snap with TypeScript. For detailed instructions, see the MetaMask documentation.

MetaMask Snaps is a system that allows anyone to safely expand the capabilities of MetaMask. A snap is a program that we run in an isolated environment that can customize the wallet experience.

Snaps is pre-release software

To interact with (your) Snaps, you will need to install MetaMask Flask, a canary distribution for developers that provides access to upcoming features.

Getting Started

Clone the template-snap repository using this template and set up the development environment:

yarn install && yarn start


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If you don't wish to use any of the existing GitHub actions in this repository, simply delete the .github/workflows directory.


Testing and Linting

Run yarn test to run the tests once.

Run yarn lint to run the linter, or run yarn lint:fix to run the linter and fix any automatically fixable issues.

Using NPM packages with scripts

Scripts are disabled by default for security reasons. If you need to use NPM packages with scripts, you can run yarn allow-scripts auto, and enable the script in the lavamoat.allowScripts section of package.json.

See the documentation for @lavamoat/allow-scripts for more information.

2467c38 (newSnap Build)


Stellar on Metamask



Apache-2.0, MIT-0 licenses found

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