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Releases: paulnorthrop/itp

itp: The Interpolate, Truncate, Project (ITP) Root-Finding Algorithm version 1.2.1

02 Dec 15:03
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itp 1.2.1

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • The issue described at RcppCore/Rcpp#1287 has been fixed to avoid WARNINGs from CRAN checks on some platforms. Thank you to Dirk Eddelbuettel for providing the fix so quickly!

itp: The Interpolate, Truncate, Project (ITP) Root-Finding Algorithm version 1.2.0

16 Jul 11:54
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itp 1.2.0

New features

  • The function itp_c, which implements the ITP algorithm entirely in C++.

itp: The Interpolate, Truncate, Project (ITP) Root-Finding Algorithm version 1.1.0

02 Jul 08:13
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itp 1.1.0

New features

  • The argument f to the function itp() can now be either an R function or an external pointer to a C++ function. In the latter case, itp() makes use of the Passing user-supplied C++ functions framework offered by the Rcpp package. For the simple examples given in the itp package only a modest improvement in speed is observed (and expected). However, being able to call itp() on the C++ side may have benefits in more challenging problems.
  • The package vignette and README file include examples based on external pointers to a C++ function.
  • A plot method is provided, which plots the function f provided to itp over the input interval (a, b).

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • Explicit examples of passing arguments to the input function f have been added.

itp: The Interpolate, Truncate, Project (ITP) Root-Finding Algorithm version 1.0.1

14 Jun 19:32
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itp 1.0.1

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • A bug in the part of itp() in which the bracketing interval has been fixed. It caused incorrect results in cases where the function is locally decreasing.
  • Tests have been added to check the correction of this bug.

itp: The Interpolate, Truncate, Project (ITP) Root-Finding Algorithm version 1.0.0

07 Jun 10:45
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The Interpolate, Truncate, Project (ITP) root-finding algorithm

The itp package implements the Interpolate, Truncate, Project (ITP) root-finding algorithm of Oliveira and Takahashi (2021). Each iteration of the algorithm results in a bracketing interval for the root that is narrower than the previous interval. It’s performance compares favourably with existing methods on both well-behaved functions and ill-behaved functions while retaining the worst-case reliability of the bisection method. For details see the authors’ Kudos summary and the Wikipedia article ITP method.


We use three examples from Section 3 of Oliveira and Takahashi (2021) to illustrate the use of the itp function. Each of these functions has a root in the interval (-1, 1).


A continuous function

The Lambert function l(x) = xe^x - 1 is continuous.

The itp function finds an estimate of the root, that is, x^* for which f(x^*) is (approximately) equal to 0. The algorithm continues until the length of the interval that brackets the root is smaller than 2 \epsilon, where \epsilon is a user-supplied tolerance. The default is \epsilon = 10^{-10}.

# Lambert
lambert <- function(x) x * exp(x) - 1
itp(lambert, c(-1, 1))
#>       root     f(root)  iterations  
#>     0.5671   2.048e-12           8

A discontinuous function

The staircase function s(x) = \lceil 10 x - 1 \rceil + 1/2 is discontinuous.

The itp function finds the discontinuity at x = 0 at which the sign of the function changes. The value of 0.5 returned for the root res$root is the midpoint of the bracketing interval [res$a, res$b] at convergence.

# Staircase
staircase <- function(x) ceiling(10 * x - 1) + 1 / 2
res <- itp(staircase, c(-1, 1))
print(res, all = TRUE)
#>       root     f(root)  iterations           a           b         f.a  
#>  7.404e-11         0.5          31           0   1.481e-10        -0.5  
#>        f.b   precision  
#>        0.5   7.404e-11

A function with multiple roots

The Warsaw function w(x) = I(x > -1)\left(1 + \sin\left(\frac{1}{1+x}\right)\right)-1 has multiple roots.

When the initial interval is [-1, 1] the itp function finds the root x \approx -0.6817. There are other roots that could be found from different initial values.

# Warsaw
warsaw <- function(x) ifelse(x > -1, sin(1 / (x + 1)), -1)
itp(warsaw, c(-1, 1))
#>       root     f(root)  iterations  
#>    -0.6817  -5.472e-11          11


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See vignette("itp-vignette", package = "itp") for an overview of the