In this project I demonstrate how to include an API Gateway using Kong to control incoming requests in a microservice architecture. The technologies used were: Docker, Docker Compose, Kong, Konga, Elasticstack: logstash, elasticsearch, kibana. Two basic services written in NodeJS were used for demonstration.
To make use of this project the only prerequisites are to have the docker and docker-compose installed.
To start, it is necessary that the containers configured in the docker-compose.yml file are standing. To do this, simply run the following command on your terminal:
$ docker-compose up -d
After performing the previous step you should check that all containers are in UP status. To do this, use the following command on your terminal:
$ docker-compose ps
Kong: The worlds most popular open source API gateway. Built for multi-cloud and hybrid, optimized for microservices and distributed architectures.
Konga: Konga is a fully featured open source, multi-user GUI, that makes the hard task of managing multiple Kong installations a breeze.
To access the Konga interface open your browser and type in the address bar http://localhost:1337