Digital modulations, Error Control Coding schemes, Channel Estimation Simulations, Medical Images reconstructions and FEM simulations
- Project: ldpc_stochastic_decoder
- An implementation of a Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) Stochastic decoder based on research done by Qualcomm
- Project: finite_difference_electric_dipole
- A solution of a spherical version of the Laplace equation to analyze the effect of a dipole in the human brain. Solved via two boundary conditions: Neumann and Dirichlet.
- Project: wireless_link
- A Complete 100 meter link between a receiver and a transmitter with a total bandwidth of 0.5 MB/s
- A high frequency PCB was designed in Keysight ADS and manufactured. Electronic components include:
- Modulator/Demodulator
- LO/IF Amplifers
- Up and Downconversion Mixers
- Software, implemented in MATLAB, system components include:
- Course/Fine frequency and frame synchronizations and corrections
- Phase estimations and corrections
- Constellation normalization
- Optimal Maximum-Likelihood (ML) Detector
- Message display (PC)
- Project: communication_system_over_a_fading_channel
- Simulation of an over the air transmission channel
- Based on a Rayleigh distribution for a non-line of sight, urban city environment
- Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) transmission over the channel
- Coded and uncoded transmission (error control coding scheme: repetition)
- Project: 90_nm_differential_amplifier
- Four circuits make up the design: push-pull, differential pair, high swing cascode current sink and bootstrapped current source
- Design is compared versus a production 90 nm differential amplifier
- Project: image_processing:
- computed_tomography:
- Backprojection algorithm to reconstruct a medical CT image
- diffusion_tensor_imaging:
- Analysis of a MRI mamalogram producing FA (Fractional Anisotropy), VR (Volume Ratio), MD (Mean Diffusivity)
- Diffusion Signal Curve Fitting
- PDD (Principal Direction of Diffusion) on major cerebral arteries
- image_segmentation_and_reconstruction:
- ART (Argebraic Reconstruction Techniques) Kaczmarz algorithm