The code is set up to build four targets:
single_thread_out := single thread implementation of OFDM
openmp_out := openmp version of OFDM code
cuda_fft_part1 := cuda version of OFDM code (scrambler,encoder,interleaver,mapper and modulator)
cuda_fft := cuda version of OFDM code(fft only)
For openMP part:
The number of threads is decided through the argument in the user-input and the number of frames is 512
For the CUDA part:
The number of frames for the ofdm calculation is 512
The number of threads is fixed at 128 per block and the number of blocks is fixed at FRAME_SIZE/128
RUN FILES: To run the code on Euler, we need ".sh" files
Following four ".sh" files are generated to run each of the four codes:
The ".out" files contain the results for each run.